February 2024 bujo aesthetic – Honey & the Bee

Happy almost February, friends, and welcome to another bullet journal aesthetic inspiration post! I’m celebrating Valentine’s Day with a person again for the second time in my life, so of course I had to do a typical romantic theme for this month. In keeping with the Year of Owl City theme for 2024, this February …

CSB Chronological Day-By-Day Bible review – my ideal daily reading Bible!

Happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to a post that I’ve been wanting to share for a couple of months now. It’s the beginning of the year, and for some of us, that means yet another attempt to read through the Bible. There are tons of Bibles and reading plans out there, but only one fits …

photo of woman swimming underwater

Sleeping at Last – Mother

Merry Christmas, friends, and welcome to another installment of The Gospel According To at The Fangirl Fulfilled. Today I wanted to talk about another absolutely exquisite song from one of my favorite chill-and-thoughtful artists, Sleeping At Last. Many of their songs feel like worship/Gospel to me, even though the singer-songwriter hasn’t expressed any belief that …

percy jackson on disney

Percy Jackson on Disney, episode 2: The one where Percy’s never done any of this before, and it looks super dangerous 😆

Greetings, fellow half-bloods! Today, I’ll be reviewing episode 2 of the long-awaited Percy Jackson show on Disney Plus. This episode features Annabeth’s iconic first line, Percy trying all the dangerous half-blood extracurriculars, and of course, his becoming Supreme Lord of the Bathroom. I’ve watched this episode all the way through twice now, and clips of …

percy jackson show on netflix

Percy Jackson on Disney, Episode 1: The one where there’s waaaaaay too much talking

Happy January, friends, and welcome to the start of something that might be wonderful, who knows? After literal years of waiting and anticipation, the new Percy Jackson and the Olympians show has finally come out on Disney+, and of course we’re all diving straight into the over-analyzing, critiquing and appreciating that fan-people do best. This …