We are the generation of song lyrics and social media, Disney movies and Broadway musicals. We are the ones who grew up reading Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and the Hunger Games and Divergent and the Maze Runner (and whatever else you’d like to add) and still remember some of our favorite quotes. We grew up listening to Taylor Swift and Katy Perry and OneRepublic and Imagine Dragons and Owl City, and their songs still bring us joy. Our minds were formed, and are still being formed, by the songs and stories that live rent-free in our minds and hearts.

What if all those words and images and ideas could do more for us than just take up space?
What if they could accomplish something good, something lovely and noble and excellent and praiseworthy, in our minds and hearts? (Philippians 4:8)

What if the songs and stories we love could point us, and the people around us, to a deeper Source of truth and love and peace and joy and strength and hope?

I believe that they can. Here’s why:

A little of my story

I was the child who grew up in church. My idea of a good time was memorizing a Bible verse or two each week in return for candy and trinkets. And I believe that this Word that was planted in me would go on to bear fruit in my life… but it took several years and a whole lot of missteps to get there. The Me of five or seven years ago was full of Scripture; I could repeat 1 Peter 5:7 on command, but I was still full of anxiety. I could tell you all about being transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2), but my mind was full of doubt and fear. I could retell the story of the Gospel every day of the week, but didn’t fully believe that I was loved for every part of me, even the parts I didn’t like.

In short, I had the Word in my mind, but it hadn’t made its way to my heart.

You know what was in my heart all this time?

Song lyrics. Movie quotes. Beautiful moments of love and revolution and hope that I found in all of my favorite stories and songs. I had the two sides, human and holy, and a few years later, a bridge began to form between them.

I believe that knowing God means knowing ourselves, and that we can worship and honor Him by doing the things that bring us joy. I believe that the line between secular and sacred should blur and narrow as we grow closer to God. I believe that Holy Spirit has the power to speak to us through the words that we love, bringing to mind the Scripture that we’ve memorized but have yet to internalize. And I believe that all the things that fill our fangirl brains and hearts can be transformed into a tool to deepen our faith in Christ and build a platform for sharing the Gospel with others.

Do you?

Welcome in!

This website is a place to do just that: to analyze and over-analyze all the stories and songs that we love, all the things that are just and noble and excellent and lovely, and find the Scripture that sings in harmony. Here you’ll find me:

  • Using fandoms like a telescope lens, filtered through Scripture to gaze at the glorious truth of the Gospel in a new way
  • Listening to my favorite songs and consuming my favorite stories with a new perspective, reflecting on the Truth as I fangirl over all the things
  • Finding ways to share what I’ve learned with the people around me, especially fellow nerds and fangirls
  • And learning to internalize the Bible verses even more deeply, letting them soak into my heart and living them out in my daily life

If you’d like to join me, you can purchase your own Fangirl: Fulfilled devotional journal on Amazon (with Prime shipping!!) and begin doing as I do. You can also follow along with me as I obsess over all the things on the regular 😆🤩💖 (Start here!) Let’s build community here; I’d love to hear what you think and what God teaches you through your fandoms.

Happy fangirling!!

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