Happy holidays, friends! As we go into this season of simultaneously speeding up and slowing down, winding down the year and looking forward to the next, it’s important to make sure that our faith is at the forefront. This year, I’ve found two fantastic studies to help with this, and I thought it might be nice to share my first impressions with you. Stay till the end for a free prayer journal! Hope you enjoy!
Well-Watered Women: The Savior’s Story
I used the study from Well-Watered Women in my Advent journaling this past year, and their study for 2023 sounded too good to pass up! Here’s the summary that hooked me into buying it for myself and my bestie to do together:
Join us in studying The Savior’s Story this Advent season! This Bible study digs into the stories of some of the people listed in the genealogy of Jesus Christ in Matthew 1. Each story demonstrates how God’s power transforms lives and works despite people’s failures and limitations. Through these stories, you will better understand the character of your Savior, which will equip you to trust him with your own story.
The Bible is God’s story, yet God—in his grace—includes people in his story. If you are in Christ, you are part of the greatest story ever told. God has already authored your story, and he has a plan to work your circumstances for your good and his glory this December and throughout your entire life.
This Advent season, prioritize learning about our Savior through glimpses of his story to help you know him more, love him more, and trust him more.
Well-Watered Women
I just found out that the hard copy version of this book is no longer available! This is something to celebrate as Well-Watered Women is a small, women-owned business. They have a PDF version of the study book available to download and even print for your own personal use!
You can pick up that version for $20 here.
What I loved about this study is the way that it promises to have us studying real people’s stories in the Bible, with an eye towards the original context and audience, before we connect those stories back to our own lives. This is extremely important, and we need more studies like this! I also think that thinking about how God has used our stories for our good and His glory will be super beneficial for me and my friend.
A look inside Well-Watered Women’s Advent 2023 study
Here are a few of my favorite pages from the Well-Watered Women Advent 2023 study book. I love how the overall aesthetic is cohesive with last year’s book, while still adding something new and different. I also found some awesome patterned paper graphics that match this book on Creative Fabrica last year! (affiliate link, no extra cost to you)

The Daily Grace Co: Good News, Great Joy
The second study that caught my eye was Good News, Great Joy from The Daily Grace Co. I loved the premise of this study so much, and I’m looking forward to working through it with my MMC this season. Here’s the blurb:
Have you ever wondered why the shepherds left behind their flocks that night to visit a baby in Bethlehem? Why did the magi travel hundreds of miles for weeks on end to visit a newborn baby? They’d been waiting for this day. The day when the promised prophet, the perfect priest, the king of kings, and their Messiah would be born.
Through Good News, Great Joy you will:
Gain an understanding of the priesthood and see how Jesus is God’s perfect revelation.
The Daily Grace Co.
Learn why Israel needed priests and how Jesus is our Great High Priest.
See why Israel so eagerly anticipated a king and how Jesus is the King of Kings.
Discover the hope of the Messiah
The Daily Grace Co. is known for having sales almost constantly, and I was able to get the “his and hers” bundle for a pretty good price!
You can pick up either the bundle or a single book here.
I love how this study follows some of the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled and the way that He is our perfect Prophet, Priest, and King. It’ll be so cool to discuss this with my person, and we’re both looking forward to it!
Look inside the Good News, Great Joy study from The Daily Grace Co.
I loved the aesthetic of both versions of this study, so here’s a look at each:

While the Well-Watered Women books have a more matte-feeling paper to them, these books feel almost like a magazine. I’m curious to find out how all my pens will work on them!
Free printable Advent prayer journal!!
Thank you so much for sticking around this long! As promised, here’s a free printable Advent prayer journal that you can use alongside or instead of either of these study books. The full version will include 14 different Scriptures for you to reflect on and study, loosely inspired by the liturgical readings of the season. Hope you enjoy!
You can find out more about the C.A.T.S. prayer journal method, as well as some other gift ideas for the fan-people in your life, in this post.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this look at the two different studies I’m doing this Advent season, as well as the free printable prayer journal! Are you doing anything special for Advent this year? I’d love to know!
Happy studying!
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