Happy Friday, friends, and welcome to another installment of the Bible journal the rainbow series! This series was originally inspired by a printable collection from Illustrated Faith called “Journal the Rainbow.” It also reminds me of a project I did here at The Fangirl Fulfilled a few months ago. Hope you enjoy!
Journal the rainbow – orange
The original Journal the Rainbow set included a little blurb on what the color symbolizes in the Bible and a few verses to study. Here’s what it has to say about orange/bronze:
Orange/amber comes from the Hebrew word chashnal, bronze or polished amber.
Illustrated Faith.com
In my additional study, I found this quote from a non-Biblical site:
The color of enthusiasm and emotion. Orange exudes warmth and joy and is considered a fun color that provides emotional strength. It is optimistic and uplifting, adding spontaneity and positivity to life. It encourages social communication and creativity, a youthful and energetic color.
A Scripture-based website observed,
Like amber and yellow, orange is a color of fire which represents the power and presence of God.
more notes on the meaning of the color orange
The same website mentioned above also describes the meaning of Bronze, which is a sub-color in the orange family:
Bronze is a hard metallic allow composed of copper and arsenic, antimony, lead, and silver. Extremely hard and durable, it was used for object s in the temple and tabernacle. Jesus is described as having feet of bronze in the book of Revelation, symbolizing great strength.
Here are some examples that came to mind of orange as a symbol of the power and presence of God:
- The israelites were led by a pillar of fire (Exodus 13:22)
- the tabernacle was filled with fire (Exodus 40:38)
- the Temple n Jerusalem filled with God’s glory (1 IKings 8:10-11)
- God’s people are refined like silver (Psalm 66:10-12)
And now, to the journaling process!
Bible journal the rainbow – orange
Step one in today’s Bible journal the rainbow process is to paint a background. I chose a couple different shades of orange and created an ombre affect going down the page. I chose to illustrate what I learned in the passage that describes the prophet Elijah’s challenge of the prophets of Baal, and the magnificent and awe-inspiring display of power that God provided to prove that He alone is the true God. It’s a really cool story, and a great reminder: nothing can stop our God from showing His glory!

Next, I lettered out the main idea of what I learned from my study of the color orange and what it symbolizes in the Bible.

To wrap up this Bible journaling process, I added another verse reference with a sparkly gel pen. I also added the customary border of Washi tape to the top and bottom of the page.

The color orange is also associated in my mind with the joy, trust, and innocence of childhood. To me, the oranges and yellows of the rainbow symbolize our identity in Christ as children of God, loved, accepted, and trusting Him completely.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this Bible journal the rainbow process with me. What does the color orange remind you of? I’d love to know!
Happy journaling!
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