Happy day before Christmas! Today’s post is dedicated to the memory of my Sweet Baboo (spoiler alert: he’s a cat), and the traditions surrounding him at Christmas. Enjoy!
My Favorite Christmas Gift
Every year starting in middle school, I searched out a fancy bow from one of our Christmas presents and put it on Skippyjon’s head. Sometimes we even went out and bought a whole package of bows just for that specific purpose! Here are some of my favorite pictures:
My Sweet Baboo
I started calling Skippyjon my Sweet Baboo around the same time we started putting a bow on his head at Christmas. I call him this because of Charlie Brown: I love him to pieces, just like Lucy loves Linus, and I’m sure he would’ve been just as embarrassed if he had human expressions.
We had Skippy for over twelve years. He was my dream come true, a stray cat who “adopted” us around Christmas in 2008 by discovering our dog door on a cold winter night. I fell in love with him instantly, and I like to believe that he grew to love me as well. He passed away this summer (saddest day of my life), but I will always remember him. And I can’t wait to continue the bow-on-the-cat’s-head tradition with our new kitty, Mochi/Goose/Momo!
Merry Christmas!