Belle in District 3 bullet journal theme + free printable!

Happy March, and welcome to the second in a new series of bullet journal inspiration posts. This year (this month!!), we’re getting ANOTHER new Hunger Games book, and since that series is by FAR my favorite, I was inspired to do a whole year of bullet journal themes inspired by the 12 Districts of Panem. …

Finding God in the Hunger Games, Day 8

Happy February, friends, and welcome to another installment of our newest blog post series! I found this super cool devotional several years ago called Finding God in the Hunger Games, and I’m finally working through it. I’ll be sharing what I learn from each of the thirty-day devotional readings, and applying what I learn using …

Panem et Princesses, part 2: Jasmine and the Midnight Getaway

Happy Friday, my friends, and welcome to the first of a very exciting new series of posts! This is the first of the Panem et Princesses one-shot writing projects. Someday maybe they’ll become full-length short stories, but for now, they basically turned out as single-scene glorified headcanon. That being said, they were super fun to …

The Princess T-Shirt Diaries #2: Jasmine says Be Brave

Hi guys, and welcome to another new series of posts! I bought a T-shirt a few months ago with nine different Disney princesses on it. The shirt says “God says I am…” at the top, and each princess has an affirmation/encouraging word along with a verse that’s supposed to go with it. So of course, …

Jasmine in District 2 bullet journal theme + free printable!

Happy February, and welcome to the second in a new series of bullet journal inspiration posts. This year, we’re getting ANOTHER new Hunger Games book, and since that series is by FAR my favorite, I was inspired to do a whole year of bullet journal themes inspired by the 12 Districts of Panem. Buuuuut… I …

Finding God in the Hunger Games, Day 6

Hi, friends, and welcome to our newest series of blog posts! I have loved the Hunger Games series with every fiber of my being ever since I read it for the first time in middle school. I found this super cool devotional several years ago called Finding God in the Hunger Games, and I’m finally …

Panem et Princesses, chapter 1: Aurora Rose and the Poisoned Crown

Happy Friday, my friends, and welcome to the first of a very exciting new series of posts! This is the first of the Panem et Princesses one-shot writing projects. Someday maybe they’ll become full-length short stories, but for now, they basically turned out as single-scene glorified headcanon. That being said, they were super fun to …

Princess T-Shirt Diaries #1: Aurora

Hi guys, and welcome to another new series of posts! I bought a T-shirt a few months ago with nine different Disney princesses on it. The shirt says “God says I am…” at the top, and each princess has an affirmation/encouraging word along with a verse that’s supposed to go with it. So of course, …

interior of chateau de versailles palace of versailles great hall ballroom

Aurora in District 1 bullet journal theme + free printable!

Happy New Year, amigos, and welcome to another new series of bullet journal inspiration posts. This year, we’re getting ANOTHER new Hunger Games book, and since that series is by FAR my favorite, I was inspired to do a whole year of bullet journal themes inspired by the 12 Districts of Panem. Buuuuut… I also …

Finding God in the Hunger Games, Day 4

Happy December, friends, and welcome to a new series of blog posts! I found this super cool devotional several years ago called Finding God in the Hunger Games, and I’m finally working through it. I’ll be sharing what I learn from each of the thirty-day devotional readings, and applying what I learn using my very …

Finding God in the Hunger Games, Day 1

Happy November, friends, and welcome to a new series of blog posts! November has always been Hunger Games month for me, mostly because I first read the series over Thanksgiving break in middle school. I found this super cool devotional several years ago called Finding God in the Hunger Games, and I’m finally working through …

the princess bride death cannot stop true love

Easter Sunday 2024 – Westley’s True Love

Happy Good Friday, friends, and welcome to another Gospel According to post! Fandom: “Death cannot stop true love. All it can do is delay it for a little while.” – Westley, The Princess Bride Verses: Luke 24:5-6, 1 Corinthians 15:54-57, Song of Solomon 8:6-7 Truth: Nothing can stop God’s love from reaching us, no matter …

close up photograph of a crown

Princess Diaries – Courage, plus a free printable!

Happy Monday, friends, and welcome to another episode of The Gospel According to, where we find Gospel truths in all the fandoms we know and love by heart. I absolutely adored the Princess Diaries movies as a kid, and still have a great appreciation for them even as an adult. This one might feel a …

percy jackson on disney

Percy Jackson on Disney, episode 2: The one where Percy’s never done any of this before, and it looks super dangerous 😆

Greetings, fellow half-bloods! Today, I’ll be reviewing episode 2 of the long-awaited Percy Jackson show on Disney Plus. This episode features Annabeth’s iconic first line, Percy trying all the dangerous half-blood extracurriculars, and of course, his becoming Supreme Lord of the Bathroom. I’ve watched this episode all the way through twice now, and clips of …

percy jackson show on netflix

Percy Jackson on Disney, Episode 1: The one where there’s waaaaaay too much talking

Happy January, friends, and welcome to the start of something that might be wonderful, who knows? After literal years of waiting and anticipation, the new Percy Jackson and the Olympians show has finally come out on Disney+, and of course we’re all diving straight into the over-analyzing, critiquing and appreciating that fan-people do best. This …

aerial photo of fluffy clouds

year of the Fangirl, part 4 – ATLA remake coming soon!!

Happy holidays, friends, and welcome to part 4 of our little celebration of the Year of the Fangirl 2023. This time I wanted to look forward into 2024, when we have a live action Avatar: The Last Airbender remake show coming to Netflix! The hype for this has been building ALL YEAR, and I cannot …

glass bauble reflecting christmas tree

The Year of the Fangirl, part 1 – PJO on Disney+ and a NEW PJO NOVEL!!

Happy holidays, friends, and welcome to part two of a mini series I’m calling The Year of the Fangirl, where we celebrate all of the amazing fandoms that have gotten new content in 2023. Today, I’m celebrating the release of not only a new Percy Jackson novel, but also a PJO show on Disney. It …

elf bullet journal theme

December 2023 bullet journal aesthetic – Buddy the Elf’s magical Christmas in New York

Happy almost-December, friends, and welcome to another bullet journal aesthetic inspiration post! I’ve been waiting all year for this post after purchasing a set of printable stickers last year. Alas, I haven’t gotten around to making an actual bullet journal setup with this theme yet, but I wanted to share the aesthetic idea anyway. Hope …

empty road and pine trees on snowy field during golden hour

Bible journal with me – Pure as the driven snow

Happy Friday, friends! It’s been a week since the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie came out, and while I’m biding my time waiting for another chance to watch it and give a full review, I’ve been revisiting some of my older Hunger Games posts. As it turns out, one of the very first posts …

Make a Lucy Gray Baird-inspired skirt with me!

Happy Thanksgiving break friends, and welcome to a DIY fandom tutorial! I was super excited for the Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie, and it did indeed live up to the hype. It was incredible!! In the weeks leading up to the movie release, I created a skirt inspired by Lucy Gray Baird’s reaping dress. …