Hello, friends, and welcome to another fandom post! This week I’m studying the character of God the Son and how His appearance and presence in our lives is like the realization that the person you met randomly is actually your true love. Enjoy!
Fandom: “I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now… Everything has changed”
Verses: 2 Corinthians 5:16-17, Colossians 2:1-3, 6-7, Ephesians 3:17-19, Psalm 27:4
Truth: Knowing Jesus the Son of God is like falling in love for the first time, or all over again, every day.
All I knew, this morning when I woke/ Is I know something now, know something now that I didn’t before/ and all I’ve seen since eighteen hours ago/ Is green eyes, and freckles and your smile, in the back of my mind, making me feel like I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now…
Taylor Swift, “Everything Has Changed”
This song, like several others that both Taylor and Ed Sheeran have written, describes that maybe-familiar butterflies-in-your-stomach, beautiful-stranger, can’t-stop-thinking-about-them feeling that many of us would describe as love. The acoustic guitar and gradual building from solo melody to lovely harmony give it this intimate quality that makes you feel like it’s you that is living this love story. And it is magical!
What does this magical new-love feeling have to do with Jesus? To me, it’s a reminder of the complete joy and infatuation almost that I felt when I first came to know Him. I was a child, relatively unscarred by the world, and couldn’t contain my excitement as I told everyone who would listen what had happened to me.

What these love songs don’t tend to tell us is that actually being in a Relationship is a lot more work than it looks like from the outside. This song hints at the ongoing journey that will begin when its story ends: All my walls stood tall, painted blue/ But I’ll take ’em down, take ’em down, and open up the door for you. There’s a building of trust and familiarity and mutual attachment that takes place over years, a lifetime if you’re lucky. Any couple who’s been together for a long period of time will tell you: it’s not all sunshine and butterflies. But the love story never really ends. There’s always something new that comes up in your Person that you didn’t know was there before, and it makes you fall in love with them all over again.
That’s how I feel in my relationship with Jesus! That nine-year-old, puppy-love, can’t-wait-to-tell-the-world girl is far away at this point. There are experiences that I would’ve preferred to avoid, and parts of my heart that still feel shadowy and broken. Many days, being in a Relationship with Jesus feels more like work than the Love Story I imagined it would be.
But then, there are the times when a verse pops into my head out of nowhere and it’s exactly what I needed to hear. There are the times when yet ANOTHER Old Testament prophecy or law is fulfilled in Christ, and it’s so amazing it completely blows my mind. There are the times when a Taylor Swift or Maroon 5 or even Justin Bieber (yes, really) song suddenly takes on a new meaning for me, one that expands the ways that I can love and worship Him. And I feel myself falling in love with Him, all over again.
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now…
Love a good “true love” song? You’ll 🤩😊💖 these posts!
- Ed Sheeran – Perfect
- Taylor Swift – Daylight
- Imagine Dragons – Next to Me
- Maroon 5 – She Will Be Loved
This verse makes me think of the time when I first came to know the Lord and couldn’t wait to tell everyone I knew what had happened to me:
Therefore from now on we recognize no one by the flesh; even though we have known Christ by the flesh, yet now we know [Him in this way] no longer. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, [this person is] a new creation; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
2 Corinthians 5:16-17 NASB20
that their [the church in Laodicea’s] hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and [that they would attain] to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, [resulting] in a true knowledge of God’s mystery, [that is,] Christ [Himself,]
Colossians 2:2-3, 6-7 NASB20
in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, [so] walk in Him,
having been firmly rooted and [now] being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, [and] overflowing with gratitude.
This song describes the “new love” feeling as only Taylor Swift can: the eagerness to know everything about your person, spending every waking moment either with them or thinking about them… It refers me back to the instruction that we receive as believers to continue to seek the Lord and know more about Him. I just wanna know You better, know You better, know You better now…
Two more verses describe the experience of falling more deeply in love with the Lord:
[Paul prays for the church] so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; [and] that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and height and depth,
Ephesians 3:17-19 NASB20
and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled to all the fullness of God.
One thing I have asked from the LORD, that I shall seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, To behold the beauty of the LORD And to meditate in His temple.
Psalm 27:4 NASB20
All I know is a newfound grace, all my days, I’ll know Your face, all I know is pouring rain, and everything has changed…
In response to what we’ve learned and reflected on today, here are a couple of “I will” statements to live out irl:
- I will spend every moment that I can staring into Jesus’ eyes (metaphorically), captivated by His beauty and grace
- I will seek out people and conversations that encourage a deeper search for knowledge and wisdom in Christ
- I will be faithful on the days when being in a Relationship feels more like work than love, knowing that it’s all worth it in the end
My journal pages

Free stickers!!
Click the link below to download this set of free journaling stickers inspired by the aesthetic of “Everything Has Changed.” I was inspired by all the florals and the iconic couples-making-a-heart shape. Enjoy!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this post on the character of God the Son and the song “Everything Has Changed” by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran. What’s your favorite song?
Happy fangirling!
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[…] Everything Has Changed – Ed Sheeran + Taylor Swift […]