A very happy day it is today, friends! Today, March 3rd, 2023, is the official release of the latest Owl City song, “Vitamin Sea.” And once again, the master did not disappoint us!! With a peppy beat and tropical instrumentation, plus the style of bridge that I’m OBSESSED with, “Vitamin Sea” is a vacation for your eardrums. Hope you enjoy overanalyzing it with me!!
This is not the first new Owl City song in 2023, and it won’t be the last!! Here’s my review/reaction to the last song that released, “Adam, Check Please.”
The first part
The first part of “Vitamin Sea” was sneaked a few weeks ago on Owl City’s website and Instagram. I immediately knew that this was going to be a favorite from the new album when I heard the little tropical touches. And Adam did not disappoint!! Right from the start, there’s layers, there’s genius instrumentation, there’s the vocals that all Hoot Owls LOVE more than anything!!

First chorus
Adam has said that this new Owl City album is going to be unique and different and authentically him, and this chorus shows that. Some of the oceanic puns and wordplay remind me of the Ocean Eyes phase, and that’s one of my FAVORITE albums, so I’m loving it. The end of the chorus of “Vitamin Sea” features Adam really exercising his impressive vocal range, hitting one of the higher notes in an unexpected melodic jump.
When I get kinda salty, I need some vitamin sea…
Second verse
In the second verse and chorus I noticed some female harmonizations, which I haven’t noticed in an Owl City in a while. Is Adam’s fiancee joining him on this song? Who is the female vocalist? A mystery…
Second chorus
There are many moments in this song where you can tell Adam is just having the time of his life playing guitar, with some epic runs and riffs and idk-what-the-technical-term-is that are just a joy to listen to. And the little magical chimes that he’s started to add to his songs since the Cinematic era are present in “Vitamin Sea” too. Love it!!
The bridge is most definitely my FAVORITE part of Owl City’s “Vitamin Sea.” It’s one of the ones where Adam’s voice gets super soft and low and heartfelt, and then immediately after he explodes back to full volume. In love songs like “If My Heart Was A House,” which is one of my all-time favorites, this type of bridge is liable to make me tear up a little with its sheer beauty. In this song, which has a peppier feel to it, the bridge just gives a little thrill. And the epic guitar solo which follows it is pretty awesome, too!
The outro
This whole song is very sing-alongable, but the outro here is one of the catchiest parts of this song. And we’ve got some dah-dah-dah-da-da-das!! We love the dah-dah-dah-da-da-das.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this little fangirling session over the new Owl City song, “Vitamin Sea.” I cannot wait for Coco Moon to release on March 24th!! Here’s a little printable that I made to help count down the days:

Happy fangirling!
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[…] Here’s the full-length review that I did of “Vitamin Sea” when it first came out :… […]