Greetings, fellow half-bloods! Today, I’ll be reviewing episode 2 of the long-awaited Percy Jackson show on Disney Plus. This episode features Annabeth’s iconic first line, Percy trying all the dangerous half-blood extracurriculars, and of course, his becoming Supreme Lord of the Bathroom. I’ve watched this episode all the way through twice now, and clips of it multiple times over; it’s kinda my favorite of the whole show so far. Hope you enjoy!
first impressions
Needless to say, this episode made a better impression on me than the first one. I really, really appreciate the way that they had Percy adjusting to life at camp, and Walker is doing a great job showing the emotions that he’s feeling when he realizes that his father won’t be easy to reach. The other actors are doing great too, especially Annabeth with her matter-of-fact, one-word responses. And the way that they interact with each other is PERFECT in my opinion! They’ve laid the foundation for Percybeth to happen without it being too fast (because they are twelve, after all). I love the setting of Camp Half Blood, it looks like a real camp with real nature that has actually been blessed with divine protection. And while the show is still far from perfect, this episode really does the book justice. Here are some thoughts on the main events or scenes from episode 2 of Percy Jackson on Disney:
meeting all the characters
This episode opens up with Annabeth’s iconic “You drool when you sleep” line as Percy is fading in and out of consciousness. And it was delivered PERFECTLY I love it!!
This part wasn’t in the book, but it’s totally on-brand: When Percy first meets Mr. D., he introduces himself as his Dad solely to try and get him to bring alcohol. It’s brilliant XD
Grover: “You really don’t want to start with this guy”
Percy: “He’s starting with me!”
lol, Persassy
I love that Mr. Brunner/Chiron is still wearing his Cool Teacher outfit when Percy first meets him. It’s a great way to blend the two characters together and totally seems like something Chiron would do, either to reassure Percy with something familiar or… just because he’s a busy guy and forgot lol.
I know you feel powerless, but you’re not. All will reveal itself in time.
totally something Wise Elder Chiron would say
Luke is PERFECT!! He definitely seems like the type of guy who would be your friend, not even pretend to be your friend but actually be one, and then turn out to be evil. And the way he shows Percy the ropes and tells him how the whole demigod thing works is on point. Definite win for Disney there : )
Percy trying all the super dangerous demigod extracurriculars (and being super bad at them lol)

I loved this scene SO MUCH!! Another win here, so well done. I especially loved the part where Percy tries out archery and almost shoots somebody in the face, and then says, “Should I try again?” Like goodness, you’ll shoot your eye out kid! lol
Also the number of times that Percy is just acting like a twelve-year-old boy is just wonderful, he seems so much more authentic than any PJO media we’ve seen before. It’s refreshing to be honest.
There were some moments in the show where you can see that he’s had to go through more than the typical 12yo, but they’re kept somewhat at a minimum for this episode at least. You can really tell that, underneath the whole my-dad-is-an-Olympian thing, Percy just wants to be a regular kid.
For the first time in your life, you’re just like everyone else.
Luke being the Supportive Mentor Who’s Secretly Evil
Hey you! Want more PJO content? I wrote a whole post about the moment when Percy gets claimed by Poseidon, and it’s pretty cool! So um, go check it out if you want to lol : )
Percy becomes Supreme Lord of the Bathroom
Okay, this scene was pretty much ON POINT in the execution. I don’t remember if the CGI still looked fake to my person or not, but it looked good to me, or at least got the point across. And Clarisse, even though she isn’t quite the Tough Girl that she’s described as in the books, still comes across as a bully antagonist type. And then Annabeth being there the whole time, and this little exchange:
Percy: “I can explain.”
Annabeth: “No, you can’t.”
Percy: “Ok.”
Ajfla;jkda;hg this just sums them up perfectly lol
And last but not least:
Percy almost dies in Capture the Flag
Oh, this scene! I want to like it, and there are some parts that I appreciate, but then there’s others that I was like, “What are you doing? Why? What was the reason?” Kinda like the climax of the first episode where all they did was talk when they were supposed to be running lol
There’s some good setup to this scene, with more of Percy not really knowing what to do or what’s going on, like this:
Percy: I don’t even know what my job is, maybe I won’t even need a sword.”
Other team: *battle cry with clanging weapons*
Percy: … I’mma need a sword.
Totally something 12yo Percy would say lol

And then Percy and Annabeth walking through the forest, with him going, “Yeah, I really need this to go well, and then a ridiculously short time later, he’s goofing off instead of doing the Guard Duty things that she probably told him to do 😹 But also her fixing his armor strap?! Ahhhh, Percybeth!! I know it’s going to be a few years probably before we get to see the ship actually set sail, but man, they’re already so adorable 😻
And of course, the part that I have the biggest bone to pick with is the way that they did the lil duel with Percy and Clarisse + Co. where he’s RIGHT ON THE EDGE OF THE WATER AND DOESN’T STEP INTO IT LIKE CMON DISNEY YOU HAD ONE JOB!!! But they fixed it I guess when Annabeth helps him up and then proceeds to push him in without explanation in order to test her theory. And the bit with the trident showing up to claim Percy is pretty cool too.
Overall, this was a good episode of Percy Jackson on Disney Plus. If they keep going with this level of artistic license while still being reasonably true to the original storyline, then I will be quite happy. But, I’m pretty easy to please, so I’ll probably be watching (and fangirling) regardless of what they do next.
Have you seen this episode of Percy Jackson on Disney? What are your thoughts? I’d love to know!
Happy fangirling!
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