Que lo Kayslee here, coming atcha with some new jams for the first full week of October 😉
“Isaac” by Hollyn
Hollyn is a Christian pop artist with a very distinct style, one which I enjoy very much. Her expressive vocals combine in this song with a catchy undertone melody. Layers of drums, guitar, and what I think might be xylophone-ish instruments, then the excellent lyrics over the top of it all — such a beautiful song. My favorite lyrics: “Even when I feel like I’m gonna break, I know what you said to me never changes/ I will lift my hands to you.”

“Un Poco Loco”
I was at work at some point this week, saw something that was “coco loco” flavored, and immediately got this song stuck in my head. I didn’t mind that too much, honestly; it’s a very fun and carefree song, and the Spanglish is my jam! Also may end up creating a sticker or graphic with a literal “coco loco” (coconut) singing this song, just for the lols ;).

“HD” by Torey D’Shaun
This song needs so much love and attention. Its style is unique and different, with electric guitar (I think) and a fast-paced vocal rhythm. The lyrics talk about a “strong woman, strong faith” and the singer’s attraction to her, not just because of her looks, but also because of her character and her faith. It also uses one of my favorite styles, in which the chorus is sung and the verses are rapped. So good!

“J’ai cherché” by Amir
This song is mostly in French, but the lyrics are worth looking up if by chance you don’t speak French. The music is a combination of guitar, drums, strings, and what might by actual clapping in a very uplifting tone and pattern. The verses are primarily in French, as I said, but the chorus is in English. My favorite lyrics (translated): “you have given me the desire to be myself; given reason to all my whys; you have killed the fear that was sleeping in my arms.”

“Home” by Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros
I heard this song faintly through the speakers at Starbucks and knew I had to Google it right away. The whistle line featured throughout is so catchy and fun, and I do love a song with a good nonverbal element to it. The rest of the music has a distinctly folksy style, with a male and female vocal line conversating over the top of it. It reminds me a little of the Lumineers. The lyrics are a little cliche (or classic depending on who you ask), “Home is wherever I’m with you,” but still charming.

Hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Saturday Shuffle! This is Que lo Kayslee, wishing you a wonderful Saturday and a great week ahead :).