I have made the most incredible and life-changing discovery this week: Spotify equalizer settings. Seriously, my life will never be the same. I’m currently giving the thought of becoming a real-life DJ some genuine consideration lol. But for real, this week, after turning the “crossfade” feature on on Spotify(currently set at 7 seconds), their algorithm put together some amazing combinations for me. So this week’s Saturday Shuffle’s going to list some of the most epic and unexpected crossfade combinations that I’ve found this week. They also blend well between each pair of songs. Enjoy!
“Say Yes” by Michelle Williams + “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift
Both of these songs are positive and upbeat, with a peppy beat and strong female vocals (“Say Yes” also includes the talents of Beyonce and Kelly Rowland). The two songs also share a trumpet/horn line and similar tempo.
“Girl Named Tennessee” by NEEDTOBREATHE + “Sweet Caroline” by Neil Diamond
“Girl Named Tennessee” has long been one of my favorites, mostly because of the oohhs in the chorus, so it makes sense to pair it with the “BAH BAH BAHHHH” in “Sweet Caroline.” These two songs also share a similar guitar line and vocal quality. GNT also has a piano line and a hint of tambourine, typical of NEEDTOBREATHE’s style.

“Not Today Satan” by KB + “Radioactive” by Imagine Dragons
These two very random songs somehow go really well together. “Not Today Satan” has a nice horn line in addition to the characteristic drums and trap beat. The two singers, KB and Andy Mineo, also do a lot of nonverbal vocalizing (ooh and yeeeahh and such) which I think meshes well with the *gasping breath* at the beginning of “Radioactive.” The “not today Satan, not today” bit at the end of NTS also fits well with the intro of “Radioactive.”
“Here I Go Again” by Whitesnake + “I Lived” by OneRepublic
Another one of my favorites, this time from the eighties rock genre, plus a classic pop song beloved by many of the Genzennial generation. “Here I Go Again” has all the best qualities of an eighties song: epic guitar solos, a sweet drum line, and some impossibly amazing vocals that get progressively more emphatic and higher-pitched as the song continues. This song blends well with “I Lived” because its volume naturally fades out, giving way to the OneRepublic’s guitar line and vocals. “I Lived has a gradual build-up as well, which comes out nicely against the softening volume of HIGA. The two songs also share similar YOLO type themes.
“x10” by Aha Gazelle + “A Head Full of Dreams” by Coldplay
Another random pairing of songs that go well together. “x10” is one of the more chill songs by Aha Gazelle, at least when it comes to tempo and musical composition. The electronic undertone plays well with Coldplay’s characteristic sound. Although “A Head Full of Dreams” is very chill considered to the rap genre, it does have a stronger and peppier beat than some of Coldplay’s other songs, making it a good fit with “x10.”
“Shut Up and Dance” by WALK THE MOON + “Deer In The Headlights” by Owl City
You know I had to include at least one Owl City song in this mix, so here it is. “Shut up and Dance” is also considered a classic by many, with a pounding drumline, a hint of electric guitar, and irresistibly sing-along-able vocal line. Oh and we can’t forget the epic guitar solo in the bridge. A little of the electronic comes through towards the end (probably just electric guitar but still), which blends well into Owl City’s style. “Deer in the Headlights, for its part, has more guitar than Owl City’s typical style, which makes it a good fit for SUAD.
Hope you enjoyed something a little different on this week’s Saturday Shuffle. If you did, do me a solid and share with your peeps. Thanks!
Happy Saturday!