5 Reasons KayDrew is my OTP – or what my MMC and I have in common with all the fictional characters I/we love

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! Welcome to a special post that I never thought I’d be writing, but is making me super happy to write. Long story short, I’m ENGAGED!! And we’re getting MARRIED in July!! And the more I think/talk about it, the more happy and excited I feel. So this post is basically me …

yellow dandelion flower

Holy Week 2023 – A hundred lifetimes (Hunger Games quote)

Happy Holy Week, friends, and welcome to another fandoms as Gospel truth post! Today I’m remembering the adorable OTP that I love most of all (ssshhhh, don’t tell Percabeth), Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. I could literally write a novel about how much I love their story and how their love reminds me of God’s …

bed of white petaled flower

Gratitude Documented Day 9 – Everlark and Peeta’s lovingkindness

Greetings, friends, and welcome to another post! Today’s Gratitude Documented prompt is Lovingkindness, which of course makes me think of the lovely, bestest, precious human that is Peeta Mellark – and how his actions and characteristics are a reflection of God’s unfailing love for us. Enjoy!

Fiery sunset over 'Orange' tower

Good Friday Bible Journaling & a free printable!!

Happy Easter, friends, and welcome to another year’s Good Friday edition of The Gospel According to! This week, I was reflecting on the events of Holy Week and the price that Jesus paid for our salvation… Which somehow led me to a Hunger Games quote?! Find out below, plus stay tuned for a free printable!