Day 15 of Blogmas is here, and I’m offering you another blog tag. This one is called the Small Joys Tag, which I found out about from Dawn at Drawing Closer To Christ. This tag also reminds me of my bullet journal theme for the month, Anne of Green Gables, who would very capably fulfill …

Blogmas Day 8: Productive Study With Me: Finals Week 👩🎓
Day 8 of Blogmas is here, and it’s also the official start of finals week. Not sure if it’s this scheduled post or the growing sense of foreboding, but I’m finally motivated to study. Here’s a look at what my study habits look like. Stay tuned for a special invitation!

How to Be Crafty on a $0 Budget
My freshman year of college, I learned what it really means to be “college student broke.” Although my physical needs were still taken care of by my parents at that point, I also had thousands of dollars in tuition hanging over my head almost constantly. This meant that, although craft stores and online shopping were …