Panem et Princesses, part 2: Jasmine and the Midnight Getaway

Happy Friday, my friends, and welcome to the first of a very exciting new series of posts! This is the first of the Panem et Princesses one-shot writing projects. Someday maybe they’ll become full-length short stories, but for now, they basically turned out as single-scene glorified headcanon. That being said, they were super fun to …

Panem et Princesses, chapter 1: Aurora Rose and the Poisoned Crown

Happy Friday, my friends, and welcome to the first of a very exciting new series of posts! This is the first of the Panem et Princesses one-shot writing projects. Someday maybe they’ll become full-length short stories, but for now, they basically turned out as single-scene glorified headcanon. That being said, they were super fun to …

2025 goals and projects

Happy 2025!! Like the rest of the world, I’ve spent the last few weeks thinking and planning how I’d like my year to go. I have several new adventures and dreams for 2025, and I’d love to share them with you!

November 2024 writing goals – the one where it’s time to begin, isn’t it?

Happy November, friends, and welcome to another writing update! It’s finally time to put my money where my mouth is and start actually writing the story that’s been in my head for months, and I’m really enjoying the process so far. Hope you enjoy!

October writing goals – the one where the plot is plotting and the world is building

Happy Preptober, friends, and welcome to another writing update! I realize that October is halfway over, but there’s no time like the present to update you guys on how my writing journey is currently going. Hope you enjoy!