Today is the day!! Technically the day after The Day, but still, a big, big, big day! The new Hunger Games book, Sunrise on the Reaping, released yesterday, and while I had some issues come up that prevented me from receiving my copy day-of, I got to spend most of today reading. Thank you, God, for spring break, amiright?! I recorded (most of) my live reactions as I was reading, and posted them on my podcast. The link to listen will be down below. Hope you enjoy!!
the podcast
in a word… devastating
This book was so well-done! It hurt me deeply, but in the best way lol. Like, I knew how it was going to end, knew Haymitch would lose every last one of these relatable, innocent, vulnerable characters, would lose the most ADORABLE ship in Hunger Games history I’m pretty sure (Everlark is still my favorite, I just would describe them differently), but finding out HOW it all happens??? I didn’t think it was possible for Lady Suzanne Collins to write a more devastating character death than Prim at the end of Mockingjay, but SHE DID!!! I’m crying a little just thinking about it!!
Besides that though, the new book fits into the storyline that she started with TBOSAS (which turns FIVE YEARS OLD this year, that’s CRAZY!!), and into the events that happen in the original trilogy. She did NOT pull a Cursed Child, thank goodness! And the book feels like it adds to the series, so we can rest assured that this isn’t just another ploy to take all our money, not that we would mind if it was!
In conclusion, Sunrise on the Reaping is a ten-out-of-five star read for me, and I highly, HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who is even a casual fan of the series. And if you aren’t a fan, why aren’t you?? JK, you have a right to your opinion, but for real! Everyone needs to read this book!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go try and write a fanfic of Belle from Beauty in the Beast being in Panem. If I’m successful in this endeavor, you’ll be able to read it and two other stories by subscribing to my email list below.
Happy fangirling!
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