Top 4 Reasons to Love Christian Rap

Greetings, friends, and thanks for visiting me at The Fangirl Fulfilled! Today I had a random thought about one of my former least- but now top-favorite genres of music, and what I’ve learned about the things I choose to listen to in the past several years. Specifically, I’d like to give you some of my top reasons why everyone should listen to Christian rap. Enjoy!

Reason #1: Sounds of mainstream music but with a Gospel message

The number one reason to love or listen to Christian rap music is this: it sounds like mainstream music, but with a Gospel-centered worldview. So many of the songs from this genre that I love have lyrics that either describe life as a Christ-follower or are literally laying out the Gospel for listening ears. And they do it over beats and instrumentals that are catchy, creative, and familiar to people who would normally listen to this style of music.

Reason #2: Clever rhymes and word play

I love songs with clever or poetic lyrics in any genre, and the part of Christian rap that got me hooked was the word play and clever rhymes. Seriously, the people who write these type of songs are GENIUS with their lyrics! Maybe because the rhythms are so fast-paced, you can fit more ideas into the same amount of time? IDK, but it’s 🔥🔥🔥

Reason #3: Easy to dance to (kinesthetic learning)

Another reason to love Christian rap is that it’s easy to dance to. This is true for just general dancing-in-your-car type of thing, or for group-setting dance parties at youth or college events and camps. Science says that you’re more likely to learn and remember things while moving (kinesthetic learning), which makes the lyrics of the songs we dance or jam to even more important. And with Christian rap songs, the lyrics are always going to be genuine and uplifting, and may even have Scripture written into them. Yes please!

Reason #4: Social commentary & diverse voices

The last and most important reason to love and listen to Christian rap is the social commentary that shows up in many of the songs in this genre. I’ve become more conscious of the experiences of BIPOC individuals since I’ve started listening to this type of music, both on my own and because of the lyrics of the songs I listen to. Music is powerful like that! There’s also a whole subgenre of Christian rap artists who sing in Spanglish, and just a wide variety of people from all different backgrounds that have contributed to this genre. It gives a voice to so many different people, and that is hugely important.

The song that changed my opinion of Christian rap

There is one song that I remember that I used to think was *so overrated* but now is one of my favorites: “You Can’t Stop Me” by Andy Mineo. Seven or so years ago, I would hear this song and think that it was too loud and hard to understand, but after taking a moment to really listen to the lyrics and what they mean, my opinion of it completely changed.

The moral of the story: give every genre a chance, because there’s a whole new world contained in each one.

Happy listening!

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