Happy last Wednesday of the month, and welcome to another WWW Wednesday! I enjoyed doing this challenge from Taking on a World of Words a handful of times last year, and thought it might be fun to partake once a month in 2024. I didn’t think it was possible, but I have surpassed the total number of books read in January. I revisited a bestselling fantasy series, started a long-awaited new release, and delved into some important life topics. Hope you enjoy!
WWW Wednesday
WWW Wednesday is a weekly challenge or tag for bookish bloggers. It’s used to share:
- What you’ve just finished reading
- What you’re currently reading
- What you plan to read next
What I just read
Daughters of Eville, books 1-5 – Chanda Hahn
Tore through most of this series in audiobook form – it is intriguing! A very unique twist on traditional fairy tales, and that’s saying something considering how many times that trope has been done. I love how all of the characters, including the textbook Evil Witch, are complex and have both good and bad qualities.

The Green Ember, books 1-3 – S. D. Smith
This series was recommended to me by an instagram acquaintance (can’t remember who, sorry) and it was super adorable! Definitely a calm, cozy read.

Maximum Ride, books 1-3 – James Patterson
Started re-reading this series that I enjoyed as a kid and… didn’t finish it. The premise is still pretty cool, but the writing just… isn’t my style anymore. Oh, well : ?

The Maid & The Mystery Guest – Nita Prose
I LOVED this series! I don’t know if this particular premise and character has been done before, but it is so well done here! I absolutely love how the main character is learning to accept her unique perspective and identity, and the way that the whodunnit story is executed is positively brilliant!!

Artemis Fowl & The Arctic Incident – Eoin Colfer
Re-read this series on a whim because I was shelving it in the school library. It’s at least as good as I remembered, and the print book has Elvish symbols on the bottom of every page!! So cool!!

The Dressmakers of Auschwitz – Lucy Adlington
This book blew me away with its depth and attention to detail. I will say, I was glad to have listened to it, as the details were sometimes hard to take in, but I’m glad to have heard this story. Nonfiction: reads like a documentary!

Murder in Postscript & Murder in Masquerade – Mary Winters
Another whodunnit, but in Victorian England with a spunky main character and slow-burn romance heavy in banter. Absolutely love, can’t wait for her to write more books!

The Paris Library – Janet Skeslien Charles
My mom actually recommended this book to me, and I loved how the librarian character has basically the entire Dewey Decimal System memorized. Goals! Also loved the dual timeline and how the past Odile went through informs her influence on the younger character she befriends in America. Also, French! Tres bien : )

Currently Reading
Fate Breaker – Victoria Aveyard
I read the first two books of this series in probably a month or so, they were SO GOOD! I enjoyed the Red Queen series so knew I wanted to read more by this author. This third book though… I’ve been reading it off and on for about six weeks now and still haven’t finished it! Maybe it has to do with the season I’m in IRL, and I’m just not in a good place to read Epic Fantasy, but yeah! Still a good author, but I’m STRUGGLING to finish this book xD

A River Enchanted – Rebecca Ross
I’m currently listening to the audiobook version of this series, and it is SOOO GOOD!! Like, enough for me to stop what I’m doing and go make a highlight level of good! The world is exquisite, the characters, compelling, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it will come mabout and read the next one!

Echoes of Exodus – Alastair J. Roberts & Andrew Wilson
Another nonfiction! I’m loving this one, although I keep forgetting it exists because it’s in ebook form and my library loan keeps expiring xD. Seriously though, such a good look at how the Exodus continues as a Biblical theme throughout the entire Bible!

Will Read Next
A Fire Endless – Rebecca Ross
Next book in this series — enough said.

Kingdom Keepers series – Ridley Pearson
Another series I read as a kid and want to read again since I never finished it. I remember it fondly, so I have high hopes.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this combined two-month edition of WWW Wednesday 2024. what have you been reading recently? Have you read any books on my list from this month? I’d love to know!
Happy reading!
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