Blogmas Day 20: Advent Micro Bible Journal With Me 🎨🖋

Happy five days before Christmas! Today I’m journaling day 20 of Advent in my ESV pocket size Bible. You can find out more about this style of Bible journaling in this post all about micro Bible journaling. Enjoy today’s entry!

John 14:27 and a simple journaling process

Today’s prompt from Illustrated Faith’s advent Bible journaling list was John 14:27, which says, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”

I used my Zebra mildliner in a light blue (and then darker blue) color to write the word “peace” across the text. Don’t worry, you can still read it! I felt like this one word pretty well summed up the entire paragraph, and I like the way it looks.

advent bible journaling peace

Next, I started doodling some flowers in the bottom right margin around the verse, thinking about what it meant and how I could apply it. As I was doing this, an image of the way my dorm’s courtyard looked this week all covered in snow popped into my head. My brain connected this verse with the peacefulness of a world covered in snow and the satisfying crunch it makes underfoot, the way everything feels quieter in snow, all that sort of thing. So I drew a terrible sketch of the courtyard in the margin above the verse and wrote a little note explaining my thoughts.

advent bible journaling peace

I tried to find some snow themed stickers to use to add some color to the page, but couldn’t seemed to find anything. I ended up with a sketch of some trees and some light-colored florals around the verse. And that’s it! Super simple and easy to do ☺

advent bible journaling peace

Stay tuned! I love this idea enough, I might make a digital version for Redbubble 😎

Hope you’ve enjoyed this advent Bible journaling process. If you did, please do me a solid and share with all your peeps using the graphic below. And let me know what this verse makes you think of!

Happy journaling!

advent bible journaling peace

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