The end of another week is upon us, friends. Hope you’ve been working hard, living well, and breathing deep– if not, now’s a fantastic time to start! *deep, calm breath* ahhhh… Friday also means it’s time to fangirl over more of our favorite lovely, noble, pure, uplifting things from the human world, then turn them upward to the source of all that is good, noble, pure, and uplifting. That’s right, it’s another episode of The Gospel According to, where we connect all the fandoms with Scripture to grow deeper in our understanding of who God is, who we are, and how we can relate to each other. This week’s focus is a surprisingly light-hearted song from the pop music group Bastille. Enjoy!
Fandom: Bastille’s “Joy”
Verses: Romans 8:5-6, John 14:25-27, Galatians 5:1, Psalm 44:4-8, Psalm 119:105, Galatians 6:2
Nugget: When God calls us, He sets our mind free from toxic thoughts and gives us joy that can never be broken.
The Horizontal View: Supportive and Encouraging Friend
Let’s start with the horizontal, or humans-relating-to-humans, perspective on this song. From this angle, we see a singer who struggles with some kind of mental health issue. Depending on how you interpret it, this mental illness could be anything from poor self-esteem and garden-variety regret all the way to a deep depression and even attempted suicide. Whew! Surprisingly deep, this song is.
Just when they are giving up on trying to be strong and push through, someone important calls. The singer describes feeling a rush of joy that pushes everything else to the background. They also describe talking through what they’re struggling with over the phone, sorting out the chaos into something that makes a little more sense, and the blessing of having a person in their life who seems to know when they’re feeling down.

This type of supportive relationship is something we all need in our lives. But what happens when that person isn’t available? What if they’re a human being whose intuitive/mind-reading powers aren’t functioning at full capacity at all times? Who can we call on when we need a supportive friend?
The Vertical View: Holy Spirit’s Work
Moving around to the other side of things, let’s look at this song from a vertical, or humans-relating-to-God, perspective. From this angle, we see a Counselor who will never leave us, and whose presence in our hearts and minds gives us the ability to resist our negative thought patterns. Here’s how:
Oh, Joy, when you call me/ I was giving up, I was giving in/ Joy set my mind free… – Bastille, “Joy”
“I have spoken these things (words of encouragement) to you while I remain with you. But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you.” John 14:27 ESV
Have you ever had a really excellent, fulfilling, I-needed-this conversation with a good friend or family member and thought about how grateful you are to have them in your life,? Like, I don’t know what I’d do without you, but I don’t want to find out. That’s who Holy Spirit is to believers: A friend who comforts you when you need it, calls you out on things in your life that need to change, and is always there when you need a confidant. He will also remind you of the truth you know, jus when you need it most. See the resemblance to a friend calling on the phone? But this friend actually can read your mind 😉
“you’re a sweet relief, you save me from my brain…” – Bastille, “Joy”
For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:5-6 ESV
Conclusion: Protecting your mental health by relying on Holy Spirit
Now that we’ve made this comparison between the Holy Spirit and the unidentified “you” of Bastille’s “Joy,” let’s put a practical spin on it. How can we protect our mental, emotional, and spiritual health when we’re overwhelmed with negative thoughts and emotions? Here are some ideas:
Cry out to God: ask for help
The first piece of practical advice I have is to ask God for help. King David sets a fantastic example in this; flip to any random page in the book of Psalms and you’ll most likely find him crying out for help, describing in graphic detail exactly what’s going on, and then praising God for delivering him. Here’s an example:
“You are my King, O God; ordain salvation for Jacob!/ Through you we push down our foes; through your name we tread down those who rise up against us./ For not in my bow do I trust, nor can my sword save me./ But you have saved us from our foes and have put to shame those who hate us. Psalm 44:4-7 ESV Just like you would ask a friend for help, you can count on Holy Spirit to bring comfort and confidence. And just as David chose to trust God more than his own strength, it’s important to acknowledge that our own mind or willpower isn’t always enough to get us out of a mental or emotional rut.
Want to learn more about the safe place we have in God? You’ll love this post!
Fix your eyes outward and upward
“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105 ESV
In her book Jesus and Women, author Kristi McLelland talks about looking outward and upward. She says that when we focus on our lives and only glance at God, our thoughts and emotions can’t help but turn to the negative (which as a matter of fact is pretty much what Romans 8:5-6 says). When we choose to stare at God instead, His grace and goodness are so great that we can’t help but overflow with gratitude and joy.
Here’s a link to her book; 10 out of 10, would reccomend 🌟
“It is for freedom that Christ has set you free; stand firm, therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1 ESV My friend and I like to say this to each other when one of us starts to dwell on the past or certain parts of our lives that we would rather do without. It’s an excellent practice to build the joy-muscle in our hearts and minds, choosing to dwell on the goodness of God and His promises rather than the soul-draining details of life.
Talk to people and get professional help if you need it
The idea of going to a counselor or other professional is sometimes controversial in the Christian community. After all, if God is strong enough to help us, then we don’t need human help, right? But I would like to say that, based on my knowledge of God’s character, He wants us to live abundantly (John 10:10), and sometimes He uses other people to bring about His purpose for our lives. Therefore, if your mental health has declined to a point where you can’t see a way out, by all means go to a professional! Treat mental illness the way you would any other disease and consult someone who can help.
Here’s a site with lots of resources to help if you need it 🙂
Check in on your people, especially if they’re struggling
“Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2 ESV
If you have a friend or loved one who struggles with their mental health, the most important thing you can do for them is 1) pray and 2) let them know you care about them. Just like God uses professional health to facilitate healing, He can also use you. Seek to be a voice of truth and encouragement in their life. We all need this, even those of us in a reasonably healthy mental state.
I hope you were inspired by this post about Bastille’s “Joy” and protecting our mental health through the Holy Spirit. If you were, please share this post with all your people. And let me know some of your go-tos for maintaining your mental and spiritual health.
Happy fangirling!

[…] Bastille’s “Joy” – Protecting Your Mental Health by Relying on the Holy Spir… […]
[…] Another song that I absolutely love, “Joy” is either simply uplifting or surprisingly deep depending on how you interpret it. Over an intensely upbeat instrumental track, this song’s lyrics talk about someone having a rough time, on the edge of giving up, when their friend or loved one calls to check on them. When I listen to it, I hear the voice of Holy Spirit encouraging me with exactly the words (or songs!) I need to hear at a given difficult moment. Read the full post on this song here! […]
[…] Here’s another post about God/Holy Spirit as a friend who comforts and counsels us in our low … […]
[…] Bastille – “Joy” […]