Bible Journal the Rainbow with me – Yellow

Happy Friday, friends, and welcome to another episode of the Bible Journal the Rainbow series! This series is originally inspired by the printable collection from Illustrated Faith. It’s also a way to revisit a study/project of my own making from back in February. Hope you enjoy!

Bible journal the rainbow – yellow

The original Journal the Rainbow collection had this to say about the color yellow and its sub-color, gold:

Yellow symbolizes light, gold, riches, symbolizing great value and illumination. The color means or symbolizes the glory of God.

A secular website observed:

The color of happiness and optimism. Yellow is a cheerful and energetic color that brings fun and joy to the world. It inspires thought and curiosity and boosts enthusiasm and confidence.

The Scripture-based source I found says this about the color yellow:

Yellow and gold are the color of fire, which represents the presence of God and His refining process. It represents joy the presence of God, and God’s anointing.

gold was a precious metal valued for its beauty and workability. New Jerusalem is described as being arrayed in gold. It represents god’s holiness, divine nature, and majesty.

And now, to the Bible journaling process!

Bible journal the rainbow with me – yellow

The first step in this week’s Bible journal the rainbow process is to lay down a background of acrylic paint. I chose to focus on Zechariah 13, which was originally written as a prophecy of the period known as the Great Tribulation. The passage describes a fountain that will wash away Israel’s sins and a refining fire, which goes well with the color meanings for yellow that I found today.

Next, we letter out the main idea of the study. The pen I chose to use was just a little too light, so I outlined it with a sparkly gel pen. This step also includes the addition of more notes and the context of this passage to invite people (including me!) who visit this page to explore and reflect for themselves.

Finally, I added some stickers from a Pipsticks subscription pack to finish out the page and add some dimension and detail. This set of sticker sheets in every color of the rainbow is one of my favorites that they’ve done! Even though none of the included items are particularly *spiritual*, I love that each one can now become a reminder to think about what I learned in today’s color meaning study.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s Bible journal the rainbow with me post! This study has added another layer of meaning and understanding to my previous study. Earlier this year, I created and pursued a study on different facets of our identity in Christ called Wings. Each of the facets had a specific color that just seemed to make sense at the time. After looking further into the color meanings of yellow and gold, it makes even more sense to connect these warm, happy colors with the idea of being a Child of God.

You can find out more about the Wings study and what I learned here!

Happy journaling!

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