Happy weekend, my friends, and welcome to another Bible journal with me post! Today I’m wrapping up what I’ve learned and studied about being a child of God by creating an art-journal style page in my new journaling Bible. Enjoy!
I created this page as a way to respond to the passages I’ve studied this week. Here are the posts where the “meat” of in-depth study happened:
In my earlier study, I was especially inspired and led to respond to Mark 10:13-16, so that’s where I chose to create today. My church is currently studying all of the book of Mark, and this week’s sermon will focus on chapter 10, so I’m excited to see what more the pastor will have to share!
The journaling process

To create this page, I started with a yellow-and-orange background using my Himi jelly gouache paints. I then added a title, put down a little flock of yellow and orange butterflies, and highlighted the passage that I focused on this week. To finish it off, I added a simple prayer to the bottom of the margin. I love how this page turned out, and I can’t wait to see where the next few weeks of study will take me!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this Bible journal with me post. See you next week!
Happy journaling!
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