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Blogmas Day 17: Pros/Cons of Being Single During “Cuffing Season”

We’re going a little more personal today, friends. I’m sharing some of my thoughts on the pros and cons of being single during what we young folks call “cuffing season” (or at least we used to idk 😆). Enjoy!

Single during cuffing season: Pros

  1. Lots of “me” time As a single person, you have more time to spend with myself. Painting, crafting, watching Netflix, all the things you love to do. You also don’t have to worry about coordinating schedules with a significant other.
  2. More energy for friends and family Since you’re not in a relationship, your emotional energy can be invested into friends and family instead of a significant other.
  3. No/less emotional drama Being single means you don’t have to worry about impressing or worrying or getting along with a significant other. There’s no risk of heartbreak, at least not of the romantic variety, because there’s no one there to break your heart. And that can be a good thing, I promise.

Single During cuffing season: Cons

  1. Winter is… cold. I don’t know about you, but it gets really really cold where I live. And dark. And gloomy. Having someone around to hold your hand and offer you their jacket from time to time can be nice.
  2. Loneliness is real It’s okay to admit, loneliness is a real thing this time of year. Especially when it seems like everyone around you is getting “cuffed” (dating or engaged), being single can make you feel isolated and alone. Even when you’re surrounded by friends and family who love you, something about having a *special* human to call your own is just different.
  3. Doing things alone is less fun sometimes You can find plenty of things to do on your own, but other things, like ice skating or going to the movies, are just more fun with others. And many things can be fun with friends or family, but there’s just something special about awkwardly scooting around an ice rink with a significant other. Sigh…

Final thoughts

I was in a relationship at Christmas in 2018, then single again last year. Being single without having ever been in a relationship was hard enough, but being single and getting over my significant other was very painful for me. Especially during the holidays, his absence was glaringly obvious, reminding me of what we had done together the year before. If you’ve gone through a similar experience, I hope you know that it won’t last forever. You will eventually be “okay” with being single again, more or less. In the meantime, I hope this post has helped you feel less alone.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. If you enjoyed it, please do me a solid and share with all your peeps using the graphic below. And let me know how you’ve experienced being single over the holidays!

Happy Christmas!

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