5 Reasons KayDrew is my OTP – or what my MMC and I have in common with all the fictional characters I/we love

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! Welcome to a special post that I never thought I’d be writing, but is making me super happy to write. Long story short, I’m ENGAGED!! And we’re getting MARRIED in July!! And the more I think/talk about it, the more happy and excited I feel. So this post is basically me …

pink moth orchid

October Reflection – What worked, what didn’t, and a few of my favorite things

Hello, friends! As it’s the last day of the month and I’m feeling introspective, I thought I’d give you some thoughts on life behind the screen. I’ve found it’s helpful for me to reflect at the end of each month on what’s been working, what isn’t, all the good things that happened during the month, …

16 Small Joys I’ve Been Focusing on + Resources for Mental Health

Happy Monday friends! Today, as part of my Suicide Prevention Month focus, I wanted to give you a list of resources I’ve found for those who struggle with mental illness of varying levels of severity and also for “bystanders,” or people whose loved ones struggle. I hope these resources are helpful for you, regardless of …

Up to this point: One year of The Fangirl Fulfilled

Hi friends! Today marks one year since I started this blog, and I wanted to celebrate by looking back on all the posts I’ve published so far, plus the reason why I set off on this journey in the first place. Enjoy!

bokeh photography of lights

Blogmas Day 24: An Ode to My Sweet Baboo

Happy day before Christmas! Today’s post is dedicated to the memory of my Sweet Baboo (spoiler alert: he’s a cat), and the traditions surrounding him at Christmas. Enjoy!

bokeh photography of lights

Blogmas Day 21: Best Christmas Gifts Ever!!

Happy day-before-the-day-before-the-day-before Christmas!! Today’s post is a hall of fame of all the best Christmas gifts I’ve ever given or received. I’m writing this post with the intention of reliving and giving thanks for all the blessings I’ve given and the best moments around the holidays. Enjoy!

bokeh photography of lights

Blogmas Day 17: Pros/Cons of Being Single During “Cuffing Season”

We’re going a little more personal today, friends. I’m sharing some of my thoughts on the pros and cons of being single during what we young folks call “cuffing season” (or at least we used to idk 😆). Enjoy!

bokeh photography of lights

Blogmas Day 10: Coming Home for Christmas + College Life During Covid

Day 10 is here! Today I’m getting ready to move back home from college for Christmas break, and I figured I’d take this opportunity to think/talk about what life’s been like this year as a college student during Covid-19.

books in black wooden book shelf

Book Blog Newbie Tag – Two Month Blog Update

Hi friends! I found this tag while browsing through Facebook today, and figured I should do it now instead of putting it off until later. I found out about this tag from Tee at Tee’s Library, so be sure to go check her out if you’re interested. Enjoy!