woman with afro braids in purple clothes wearing headphones and listening to music beside wall with pictures

Fangirl – English Dictionary: 3 things people really mean when they say “This is my song!!”

Greetings, fellow humans, and welcome to the beginning of a new series (or maybe just a single post) called Fangirl – English dictionary. This is an idea I had of reflecting on the words and phrases that fangirls/nerds/geeks/superfans use, and explaining them in a way that Normal People can understand. I’m hoping that this will …

Fangirl Friday: Neko Atsume kittieeeeeees ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ’–

Welcome back to the second installment of Fangirl Friday, where I take the most obvious opportunity to fangirl about random things I enjoy in life. This week I’m sharing my favorite “photos” of my virtual kitties on the Neko Atsume Kitty Collector app. Enjoy!

Fangirl Friday: some albums and new releases I’ve been loving ๐ŸŽงโœจ๐Ÿ˜ป

A few different blog sites had this tag going around called Fangirl Friday where they basically had complete freedom to gush about whatever they were fangirling over. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell this tag seems to have died, but I thought I’d participate anyway since fangirling is literally what I do 24/7/366.