Owl City – “To The Sky”

Fandom: “There’s more to this brave adventure than you’d ever believe.”

Verses: Psalm 84:5, Proverbs 3:5-6, 2 Corinthians 2:14, Matthew 4:19

Nugget: God calls us to a greater adventure than we could everr devise for ourselves.

The great adventure, setting out into the unknown world, full of possibilities and uncertainty and wonderful ideas. It’s our greatest ideal in life, isn’t it? I, for one, love a good adventure story, following every twist and turn as though I were the protagonist, feeling their excitements and anxieties as though they were my own. But while reading about adventures or imagining them through the beautiful song lyrics is all well and good, living your own adventure is even better. Here’s what this line from Owl City’s song “To The Sky”, supported by some key Bible verses, can tell us about the adventure that is a life with Christ:

Write your plans in pencil.

Case in point: before I sat down to write this post for you, I had a completely different fandom in mind. The message I had planned for this week was totally different than what God ended up putting on my heart. Every week on this journey with The Fangirl Fulfilled has been an adventure, and I can’t wait to see where it will take me next.

The moral of the story: Be ready to change your plans.

Trust God like birds trust air

An odd metaphor here, but stick with me on this: Birds fly. We can agree on that. And they use the air to fly. They trust that the air currents will continue to hold them up and allow them to fly, even though they don’t always understand how the air moves or holds them up.

In the same way, we can trust that God will take care of us and lead us in the way we need to go, as long as we trust Him and are doing our best to follow Him.

The adventure is bigger than you could possibly imagine.

woman wearing grey long sleeved top photography
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Pexels.com

Imagine with me: you’re standing in your boat, working hard. It’s an ordinary day in Galilee, and then this random man walks up to you and says, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19). So you do — and end up on an adventure with the One who completely revolutionizes the way that humans relate to God.

The disciples could never have imagined the impact that would result from their following Jesus. In the same way, there’s no way to tell for sure what will happen because you decided to follow Jesus too — to share your testimony, or give a homeless person a chocolate bar, or move abroad to make sure everyone hears the Good News. But one thing’s for sure: when you’re walking with Jesus, there will be an impact.

You will make a difference. I will make a difference. We will make a difference. And a difference will be made in each of our hearts in the process.

The greatest blessing of adventuring with Jesus comes to our own hearts.

“Happy are the people whose strength is in You, whose hearts are set on pilgrimage” (Psalm 84:5 HCSB). Notice the focus here: it doesn’t say “happy are the people who accomplish the most, whose hearts are set on bigger fundraising numbers,” or “happy are the people who see the most countries, whose hearts are set on world traveling.”

The focus isn’t on how much we accomplish or how many people we reach or how many countries we go to on mission trips. In the original context, this adventurous Bible verse talked about pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem for a special meeting with God. In our context, single-minded devotion is more rewarding than anything we could ever accomplish.

When our hearts are set on Jesus above all else, the rest — the anxieties and frustrations and inconveniences and romances and heartbreaks and joys and sorrows and moments of sublime infatuation with the beauty of existence — are all a part of the great adventure He’s leading us on.


I hope these words have inspired you to treat every moment of this life as a great adventure, walking alongside the Author and Perfecter of everything. May He always be the wind beneath your wings.

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Happy fangirling!

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