Saturday Shuffle time! This week, I rediscovered some classic 2010s jams and some lofi beats from Youtube Study With Mes, among other things. Enjoy!
“Panda Bear” by Owl City
This is one of Owl City’s oldest songs, from an album published in 2007, and its sound really sets it apart from Adam Young’s later work. I remembered this song at a random moment this week based on one of the lyrics, and it brought me back to better days with its simplistic melody lines and whimsical electronic sound. This song has enough layers to get lost in, but feels like a warm blanket for your ears. Very nice
“i can brew you a coffee” by Demon Gummies
While watching some Study With Me videos in an attempt to stay focused, I discovered some excellent lo-fi style beats by the artist Demon Gummies. I especially loved their take on Clair de lune . It starts with the classical melody and some ambient old radio/rainstorm sound, and gradually picks up the lo-fi style beat, which is so cool!!! Here’s a link to their Spotify account!
“Loyal Brave True” by Christina Aguilera
A friend recommended this song to me, and it gave me chills just now as I’m listening to it again. I mostly know Christina Aguilera from her part in the “Catching Fire” soundtrack, but this song is amazing! Her voice is so strong and powerful, and it fits so well with the drums and cinematic instrumental track of this song. So good!!
“We Are Young” by fun. feat. Janelle Monae
After rediscovering “Carry On” thanks to Zoey last week (see this post for more), I ended up listening to the whole album (minus the explicit songs) and really enjoyed this particular song. If you were in middle or high school in the 2010s, then you probably know it well. Listening to it now, I especially appreciate the subtle hints of harmony on the chorus and the irresistible sing-along-able-ness that it has. Classic rock/pop anthem, plus I feel like there may be a nugget hidden in there somewhere, we’ll see.
“Ultraviolet” by Stiff Dylans
Another upbeat pop-rock anthem, also recommended by a friend of mine (they seriously have great taste in music ). This song has a title in common with another Owl City album, but the style, suffice it to say, is drastically different. This one has epic electric guitar riffs and an almost-yelling vocal style that is almost impossible not to sing along and/or headbang to. Great fun!
“Sight of the Sun” by fun.
I found this song just now on the artist’s home page on Spotify, and instantly enjoyed it. The style is distinct from the earlier songs, with more diverse instruments and a slower tempo. I heard piano, violin, and hints of acoustic guitar mixed in with the drums and guitar, which is tres cool. The lyrics are also nice and uplifting, with the classic “they don’t know you like I do” theme. Perfect for a Saturday morning like this one.
“Getaway Green” by All Time Low
Back to the early 2000s sound (even though this album was actually published in 2020) with this song by All Time Low. Their style reminds me of the two or three Greenday songs I’ve heard, with the electric guitar and drums accompanying an emotional male lead vocal with a huge range (mostly in the higher notes). Another song that is great fun to sing along to, and lyrics that talk about nostalgia for a past relationship.
“Saturday Sun” by Vance Joy
I heard this song at work the other day (because they were actually playing something other than country music this week!) And immediately recognized it. Luckily I was able to find it via Google this time, as it feels like it has evaded me before. This is another feel-good, upbeat song that would be perfect for a Saturday drive. The lyrics talk about a girl that the singer desperately wants to get back to, which is quite sweet and romantic.
Hope you’ve enjoyed this week’s episode of the Saturday Shuffle. If you did, please do me a solid and share with all your peeps using the graphic below. And let me know if you recognize any of the songs I shared today!
Happy Saturday!