The Princess T-Shirt Diaries #3: Belle

Hi guys, and welcome to another new series of posts! I bought a T-shirt a few months ago with nine different Disney princesses on it. The shirt says “God says I am…” at the top, and each princess has an affirmation/encouraging word along with a verse that’s supposed to go with it. So of course, …

The Princess T-Shirt Diaries #2: Jasmine says Be Brave

Hi guys, and welcome to another new series of posts! I bought a T-shirt a few months ago with nine different Disney princesses on it. The shirt says “God says I am…” at the top, and each princess has an affirmation/encouraging word along with a verse that’s supposed to go with it. So of course, …

Princess T-Shirt Diaries #1: Aurora

Hi guys, and welcome to another new series of posts! I bought a T-shirt a few months ago with nine different Disney princesses on it. The shirt says “God says I am…” at the top, and each princess has an affirmation/encouraging word along with a verse that’s supposed to go with it. So of course, …

CSB Chronological Day-By-Day Bible review – my ideal daily reading Bible!

Happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to a post that I’ve been wanting to share for a couple of months now. It’s the beginning of the year, and for some of us, that means yet another attempt to read through the Bible. There are tons of Bibles and reading plans out there, but only one fits …

a burning candle in between the blooming flowers

Light of the world – what I learned from Diwali

Happy Diwali, friends! Over the past few weeks, I’ve been anticipating the arrival of this traditional holiday from India and trying to learn as much as I can about it. The abundance of colors and sensory details, the symbolism of light triumphing over darkness and good over evil, is absolutely stunning to me! And of …

purple and blue abstract painting

Luna Lovegood – “Don’t worry, you’re just as sane as I am.”

Happy Monday, friends, and welcome to another Gospel According to post! Luna Lovegood is one of my favorite characters from the Harry Potter universe, and I think about her iconic line, “You’re as sane as I am,” quite often. In fact, I think it can be a great way of explaining how it feels to …

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Word Nerd Wednesday – Seek First Matthew 6:33

Happy Wednesday, my friends, and welcome to another Word Nerd post! My mind was absolutely blown by this on. It’s so good! Will likely make you think about a famous Bible passage in a completely new way. Hope you enjoy!

person standing inside cave

Word Nerd Wednesday – Elijah and the Still Small Voice

happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to another Word Nerd post! This is the day where I like to fangirl over specific passages of Scripture that I’ve studied and that have spoken to me recently. I love the fandoms, but the word should always be first. This week I’ve been studying the book of 1 Kings, …

silhouette photography of trees

Holy Week 2023 – For you. (Twenty One Pilots “Smithereens” lyrics)

Happy Holy Week, friends, and welcome to another post chez moi. This year, I’ve been thinking back to what I learned in previous Holy Week seasons, and I felt called to bring those things back out into the light. To start with, here’s a reflection on Twenty One Pilots’ “Smithereens” lyrics. In the spirit of …

selective focus photography of yellow school bus die cast

The new and much improved Fangirl: Fulfilled devotional journal – now available on Amazon!!

Hello, my friends, and welcome to a very exciting update! Today I’m officially announcing the release of the new and improved Fangirl: Fulfilled devotional journal. I’ll share the process and the heart behind this new version, and where you can order one for yourself. Hope you enjoy!

Winter Night in a Forest

Illustrated Faith “Experiencing God” journal with me – January and February

Greetings, friends, and welcome to another bible journal with me post! Today I wanted to share the pages I created using a couple of printable sets from Illustrated Faith. These mini devotionals are truly beautiful, and I’ve enjoyed reflecting and journaling through them. Hope you enjoy seeing the results!

portrait photo of woman holding flower bouquet

Bible journal with me – Bride of Christ

Happy Friday, loves, and welcome to another Bible journaling session. This week I wanted to create a visual reminder of what I’ve learned and responded to from this final week of the Wings devotion. I can’t believe this is the last one! You’ll probably be seeing more Wings content later on this year – there’s …

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Word Nerd Wednesday – Reckless love

Happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to another geeking-out-over-Scripture post! Looking at our identity as the Bride of Christ has had me thinking and meditating on the love of God. His love for us is deeper and more thorough than we can ever imagine, and I love to think about it so much! Let’s look at …

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Bible journal with me – Creative Retreat “Come Boldly”

Happy Sunday, friends, and welcometo another Bible journal with me post! This week I’m sharing the pages that I created using the printable version of Creative Retreat’s “Come Boldly” kit. Enjoy!

Faith Heirlooms “With Expectation” – Epiphany journaling wrap-up

Happy Fat Tuesday, my friends, and welcome to another Bible journaling wrap-up post! I used Faith Heirlooms’ “With Expectation” Bible journaling kit for my Epiphany journaling this year, and with Lent starting tomorrow, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what I learned and to show you how my Bible journaling pages turned …

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Bible journal with me: Seek His face always

Happy Friday, mes amis, and welcome to another Bible journaling post! This week I’m summarizing, internalizing, and responding to the things I’ve learned from week 2 of the Wings devotional. I studied what it means to seek the Lord and how I can meditate or re-digest His Word every day. Enjoy!

Lent 2023 Plans – Illustrated Faith and My Faith Book, plus a study in the Old Testament

Happy Sunday, friends, and welcome to this post! The season of Epiphany is almost over, which means that we’re about to enter the 40-day period of reflection and repentance known as Lent. This season is perhaps the most commonly celebrated among Protestant believers (other than Advent), and this year I’m choosing to observe it in …

beautiful bloom blooming blossom

Bible journal with me: Wings – Child

Happy weekend, my friends, and welcome to another Bible journal with me post! Today I’m wrapping up what I’ve learned and studied about being a child of God by creating an art-journal style page in my new journaling Bible. Enjoy!

Illustrated Faith Worthy of Worship: Wrap-up and reflections

Happy February, friends, and welcome to another Bible journaling post! This month I enjoyed studying the ways that we can worship God with Illustrated Faith’s Worthy of Worship Bible journaling kit. This kit’s theme matched so well with the topics that I was already meditating on this month, and the artwork is so pretty! Please …

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Review of None Like Him by Jen Wilkin

Hello, friends, and welcome to my book club! Today I’m reviewing a Christian life book that I think is highly necessary for anyone who wishes to better understand the nature of God. It’s also the background reading that I did in preparation for the fandom posts I’ve been working on this month. Enjoy!