Fangirl Friday: Neko Atsume kittieeeeeees 😻🤩💖

Welcome back to the second installment of Fangirl Friday, where I take the most obvious opportunity to fangirl about random things I enjoy in life. This week I’m sharing my favorite “photos” of my virtual kitties on the Neko Atsume Kitty Collector app. Enjoy!

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The Hunger Games OST – “Dark Days”: Love will see us through.

Welcome back to the Gospel According to, where we take all the fandoms in their original context and interpret them through a Biblical lens. This week I was inspired by an amazing sermon from my church’s new pastor and the lyrics of a song from the unofficial-official Hunger Games movie soundtrack. Enjoy! Fandom: “Dark Days” …

Song Lyric Sunday: Good, Pleasant, Heavenly

Happy Sunday, lovely people! I’ve just spent the past half hour or so discovering what others’ thought of for this week’s Song Lyric Sunday prompt, and figured I should go ahead and join in (you know, while it’s still Sunday and all 😆). Song Lyrics Sunday is a weekly challenge hosted by Jim, and this …

Song Lyric Sunday (on a Friday) – Imagine Dragons’ “Next To Me” 💖😭😻✨

Happy day, friends! I found this challenge called Song Lyric Sunday, hosted by Jim at Newepicauthor, and even though it isn’t Sunday anymore, this week’s prompt was just too good not to participate. So, without further ado, here’s my best choice for a song that describes “Devoted, Faithful, Honorable, Loyal, True.” Enjoy!

Up to this point: One year of The Fangirl Fulfilled

Hi friends! Today marks one year since I started this blog, and I wanted to celebrate by looking back on all the posts I’ve published so far, plus the reason why I set off on this journey in the first place. Enjoy!

red orange waves wallpaper

Bastille’s “Joy” – Protecting Your Mental Health by Relying on the Holy Spirit

The end of another week is upon us, friends. Hope you’ve been working hard, living well, and breathing deep– if not, now’s a fantastic time to start! *deep, calm breath* ahhhh… Friday also means it’s time to fangirl over more of our favorite lovely, noble, pure, uplifting things from the human world, then turn them …

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Hufflepuff Bible Verses: How Hufflepuff is Important to the Kingdom

It’s episode three of The Gospel According to Harry Potter! This week, we’re focusing on Hufflepuff Bible verses. Enjoy! Fandom: Hufflepuff house and its distinguishing characteristics Verses: Nugget: Hufflepuff characteristics are valuable to the Kingdom of God.

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January 2021: Ravenclaw Bullet Journal Theme

This theme is one of firsts: first of the new year, first in a new journal, and first in the new semester. I’m imagining myself as a fourth year, Muggle-born Ravenclaw student returning to Hogwarts after Christmas vacation. Enjoy this Ravenclaw bullet journal theme!

purple and orange light on a concert

Saturday Shuffle #12: the one where OWL CITY FINALLY RELEASED A NEW SONG!!!!🤩😻🤩😻

Que lo Kayslee’s back with another Saturday Shuffle. This week, I was going to write about music I heard at work… BUT THEN I JUST FOUND OUT THAT OWL CITY RELEASED A NEW SONG AND I’M SO EXCITED ABOUT IT THAT EVERY OTHER SONG WILL JUST HAVE TO WAIT 😆🤩😻. So yeah… Here’s Owl City’s …

photo of a nimbus clouds during sunset

The Gospel According to Owl City: This Is the Future

Fandom: “Wake up on your own, and look around you, cause you’re not alone; let your hopes go, and they’ll survive, ’cause this is the future, and you are alive.” – Owl City, “This is the Future” Verses: Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 56:8 Nugget: Our hopes and dreams for the future are in good hands with …

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Slytherin Bible Verses: How Slytherin House is Valuable to the Kingdom of God

Greetings, fellow Harry Potter fans! this week’s post is the second in a series of posts discussing Bible verses I’ve found that connect to the Hogwarts houses from the Harry Potter series. You can read the first episode, Ravenclaw, here. Enjoy this collection of Slytherin Bible verses! Fandom: Harry Potter Slytherin house and its distinguishing …

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The Gospel According to OneRepublic: “Counting Stars”

Thanks for joining me for another episode of The Gospel According To! This week we’re fangirling over the song “Counting Stars” by OneRepublic. If you’ve been here before, welcome back, and if you’re a fan of OneRepublic who happened upon this blog, I’m so glad you’re here! Consider this your invitation to enjoy a song …

bokeh photography of lights

Blogmas Day 5: The one where I’m in love with Owl City Christmas music🤩😻

Since I usually do a playlist post on Saturdays, I figured Blogmas would be the perfect opportunity to fangirl over every genre’s interpretation of Christmas music. Starting with the absolute best… Owl City!! Because Adam Young is the most amazing human ever to create music on this earth, and Owl City is a genre unto …

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Owl City “Always” part 3 – Always.

Fandom: Owl City, “Always” Verses: John 14:26, Acts 1:8, Romans 8, John 10:10, Galatians 5:22-23, Matthew 28:19-20 Nugget: Jesus is with us now through the Holy Spirit, fellowship with other believers, and prayer; He will be with us forever in Heaven someday

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Owl City “Always,” part 2 – With You.

Fandom: Owl City, “Always” Verses: John 1:1-2, Isaiah 7:14, Hebrews 4:15, Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:17 Nugget: Jesus loved us so much that He gave His life to fill the gap between us.