a woman in purple saree

Wings – Ambassador for Christ (Rapunzel, Jasmine, Pocahontas)

Hello, friends, and welcome back to the Wings series of devotional explorations! This week, we’re studying the role of Ambassador as described in 2 Corinthians and other passages. We’ll look at several different fictional characters who fit this Scriptural role in many different ways. Enjoy! Fandom: Rapunzel from Tangled, Anna from Frozen, Moana from Moana, …

body of water waves

Moana Bible Verses – The Believer’s Journey

Greetings, friends, and happy summer! Today I bring you a massive over-analysis of Disney’s Moana, comparing it to various aspects of our lives as believers (The Believer’s Journey, if you will 😜). Enjoy! Fandom: Disney’s Moana (the entire story arc) Verses: Psalm 119:10, 111; 1 thessalonians 2:11-12; jeremiah 6:16, isaiah 45:1-5, proverbs 17:17, 1 peter …