Song Lyric Sunday: Good, Pleasant, Heavenly

Happy Sunday, lovely people! I’ve just spent the past half hour or so discovering what others’ thought of for this week’s Song Lyric Sunday prompt, and figured I should go ahead and join in (you know, while it’s still Sunday and all 😆). Song Lyrics Sunday is a weekly challenge hosted by Jim, and this …

Song Lyric Sunday (on a Friday) – Imagine Dragons’ “Next To Me” 💖😭😻✨

Happy day, friends! I found this challenge called Song Lyric Sunday, hosted by Jim at Newepicauthor, and even though it isn’t Sunday anymore, this week’s prompt was just too good not to participate. So, without further ado, here’s my best choice for a song that describes “Devoted, Faithful, Honorable, Loyal, True.” Enjoy!