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Andy Grammer – “Give Love”

Fandom: “Any of the love we take got nothing on the love we make.” -“Give Love” by Andy Grammer + LunchMoney Lewis

Verses: Psalm 16:11,

Nugget: Being kind to others blesses us at the same time.

Today is World Kindness Day, which struck me as the perfect time to talk about this song: “Give Love” by Andy Grammer. I heard this song on Valentine’s Day at Target, and it blessed my heart so much. Its excellent melody and combination of rap and singing really hit the spot, and its lyrics are *chef’s kiss*. This song has so much to say even without the Bible verses, but there’s even more here when you add the Biblical truth to it. Let’s see what Andy Grammer has for us today :).

Be a Sunshine Soldier

“My momma was a sunshine soldier, every day was a dream come true./ She said that we were blessed by the breath deep inside us, she could make the colors of the sky turn blue.”

What does it mean to be a sunshine soldier? From a Biblical perspective, this phrase could refer to the “fierce joy” that we are called to have. We can access that joy by spending time with Jesus every day: “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11). Soaking up the goodness and the presence of God gives us more than enough joy to share with others.

Joy in the midst of suffering

What about when life’s not so great? When we can’t feel the presence of God, even when we go looking for Him? When the sun is hidden, and the wind chills us to the bone?

That’s where the “fierce” part comes in, the “soldier” part of Sunshine Soldier. James 1 tells us to “count it all joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness” (James 1:2-3). When we’re going through trials, we can look to Jesus, who is “the author and perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2)” as an example of holding onto joy. And when we’re in a good season, we can use the overflow of our own joy to encourage others.

Which brings me to the next part, aka the chorus of the song…

Give Love, Always

“I give love to all of my people, all of my people need love, I give some…”

Even though I’m an introvert, and more than happy to spend time alone, I’ve also learned how very much I need people in my life. People who give me permission to grieve and wander, but who are there to build me back up in the end. And as I appreciate these people in my life, I also learn how I can turn and be that person to someone else.

Galatians 6:10 sums up what I’m trying to say in better words: “So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”

It is our job as believers, and as humans, to give love to those around us. To be considerate of their needs, even when it’s inconvenient for us. To bless them however we can, knowing that we’ll be blessed in the process. As Paul said in Acts 20:35, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”


To sum up, it is our job as Sunshine Soldiers to encourage those around us, strangers and friends, believers and non-believers alike. When we go through difficult times, we can look to Jesus, who endured the most extreme form of difficulty for the sake of our salvation and the joy it would bring Him (Hebrews 12:2-3). When we soak up the joy of the presence of God, it enables us to love others more deeply than we could on our own. And in the process of giving love to others, we will be blessed as well.

Hope you enjoyed this fangirl session over Andy Grammer’s “Give Love. If you did, please feel free to share, and check out this post featuring a classic Maroon 5 song.

Happy World Kindness Day! And happy fangirling!

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