calm lake with mountain terrain

ATLA four elements – solid rock

Happy Monday, friends, and welcome to a new series of faith-meets-fandoms blog posts! This month, I’m really enjoying reflecting and studying the four elements of the ATLA world, and I’m sharing my learning here. This week’s element is ATLA earthbending. Hope you enjoy! Fandom: “Earth is the element of substance. The people of the Earth …

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ATLA waterbending – living water

Happy Monday, friends, and welcome to a new series of faith-meets-fandoms blog posts! This month, I’m really enjoying reflecting and studying the four elements of the Avatar: The Last Airbender world, and I’m sharing my learning here. This week’s installment focuses on ATLA waterbending and how it relates to who God is and who we …

Good Friday 2023 – Restored.

Happy Good Friday, friends, and welcome to a new fandoms-as-Gospel post! I’ve been thinking about this one for months now, and I’m super excited to share it with you. More specifically, I’ve been thinking about Avatar: The Last Airbender and how Aang and his epic final battle with Fire Lord Ozai is sort of a …

crescent moon over a purple sky

Holy Week 2023 – Imagine Dragons Next to Me

Happy Holy Week, friends, and welcome to another fandoms-as-Gospel truth post from yours, truly. I keep coming back to this song, especially at this time of year. It speaks super powerfully to our need for a Savior and the fact that we have one who is willing to stay with us, no matter how many …

silhouette photography of trees

Holy Week 2023 – For you. (Twenty One Pilots “Smithereens” lyrics)

Happy Holy Week, friends, and welcome to another post chez moi. This year, I’ve been thinking back to what I learned in previous Holy Week seasons, and I felt called to bring those things back out into the light. To start with, here’s a reflection on Twenty One Pilots’ “Smithereens” lyrics. In the spirit of …

yellow dandelion flower

Holy Week 2023 – A hundred lifetimes (Hunger Games quote)

Happy Holy Week, friends, and welcome to another fandoms as Gospel truth post! Today I’m remembering the adorable OTP that I love most of all (ssshhhh, don’t tell Percabeth), Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. I could literally write a novel about how much I love their story and how their love reminds me of God’s …

white clouds on blue sky

ATLA airbending – Breath of Life

Happy Monday, friends, and welcome to a new series of faith-meets-fandoms blog posts! This month, I’m really enjoying reflecting and studying the four elements/nations of the ATLA world, and I’m sharing my learning here. Hope you enjoy! Fandom: “Air is the element of freedom. The Air Nomads detached themselves from worldly concerns and found peace …

selective focus photography of yellow school bus die cast

The new and much improved Fangirl: Fulfilled devotional journal – now available on Amazon!!

Hello, my friends, and welcome to a very exciting update! Today I’m officially announcing the release of the new and improved Fangirl: Fulfilled devotional journal. I’ll share the process and the heart behind this new version, and where you can order one for yourself. Hope you enjoy!

Citizens – Everything and More (a Christian song?!)

Happy Monday, friends, and welcome to another fandom journaling post! I’ve always thought that the Fangirl: Fulfilled journal that I designed this past spring could be used for Christian songs and stories as well as secular ones, and today we’re going to explore this possibility. I’m journaling the verses and truth behind “Everything and More” …

Winter Night in a Forest

Illustrated Faith “Experiencing God” journal with me – January and February

Greetings, friends, and welcome to another bible journal with me post! Today I wanted to share the pages I created using a couple of printable sets from Illustrated Faith. These mini devotionals are truly beautiful, and I’ve enjoyed reflecting and journaling through them. Hope you enjoy seeing the results!

portrait photo of woman holding flower bouquet

Bible journal with me – Bride of Christ

Happy Friday, loves, and welcome to another Bible journaling session. This week I wanted to create a visual reminder of what I’ve learned and responded to from this final week of the Wings devotion. I can’t believe this is the last one! You’ll probably be seeing more Wings content later on this year – there’s …

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Word Nerd Wednesday – Reckless love

Happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to another geeking-out-over-Scripture post! Looking at our identity as the Bride of Christ has had me thinking and meditating on the love of God. His love for us is deeper and more thorough than we can ever imagine, and I love to think about it so much! Let’s look at …

Free bride holding flower bouquet

Wings – Bride of Christ (Astrid/Hiccstrid, Anna, Jasmine)

Happy Monday, friends, and welcome to the fourth and final installment of the Wings devotional series! I’ve spent this month reflecting on four different facets of our identity in Christ, and I’ve really enjoyed doing so. This week’s character/headspace/heart posture is the Bride, and I found some really sweet examples from some of my favorite …

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Bible journal with me – Creative Retreat “Come Boldly”

Happy Sunday, friends, and welcometo another Bible journal with me post! This week I’m sharing the pages that I created using the printable version of Creative Retreat’s “Come Boldly” kit. Enjoy!

U.S. Ambassador pin

Bible journal with me – Ambassador for Christ

Happy Friday, my friends, and welcome to another Bible journal with me session. Today, I’m setting up a memorial stone of what I learned from this month’s Wings study in my new journaling Bible. I have a lot to reflect on, so this may take more than one page. Enjoy!

Word Nerd Wednesday – Ambassador for Christ

Happy Wednesday, my friends, and welcome to another geeking-out-over-Scripture session! Today I’m breaking down the passage in 2 Corinthians 5 that defines us as “ambassadors for Christ.” Where else is the word used in Scripture? What do the key words of this passage mean from the original languages? Let’s find out!

Faith Heirlooms “With Expectation” – Epiphany journaling wrap-up

Happy Fat Tuesday, my friends, and welcome to another Bible journaling wrap-up post! I used Faith Heirlooms’ “With Expectation” Bible journaling kit for my Epiphany journaling this year, and with Lent starting tomorrow, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what I learned and to show you how my Bible journaling pages turned …

a woman in purple saree

Wings – Ambassador for Christ (Rapunzel, Jasmine, Pocahontas)

Hello, friends, and welcome back to the Wings series of devotional explorations! This week, we’re studying the role of Ambassador as described in 2 Corinthians and other passages. We’ll look at several different fictional characters who fit this Scriptural role in many different ways. Enjoy! Fandom: Rapunzel from Tangled, Anna from Frozen, Moana from Moana, …

hand holding flower against cloud on sky

Suriel Hess – Little Bit More

Happy Sunday, my friends, and welcome to another love-songs-as-Gospel-message post! I found this song “Little Bit More” by Suriel Hess while scrolling through Instagram reels, and it IMMEDIATELY reminded me of how it feels to have a relationship with Jesus. Looking into the lyrics a little bit deeper, it made me tear up a little …

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Bible journal with me: Seek His face always

Happy Friday, mes amis, and welcome to another Bible journaling post! This week I’m summarizing, internalizing, and responding to the things I’ve learned from week 2 of the Wings devotional. I studied what it means to seek the Lord and how I can meditate or re-digest His Word every day. Enjoy!