Fandom: Moana, the scene where baby Moana wanders into the ocean to pick up shells
Verse: “With my whole heart I seek you; let me not wander from your commandments!…Your testimonies are my heritage forever, for they are the joy of my heart.” Psalm 119:10,111 (ESV)
Nugget: Reading the Bible lets us find little gems that are meant just for us.
In the last few years, my view of the Bible and how I should approach it has drastically changed (you can read the full story here). Instead of mindlessly skimming through chapters that seem endless and uncomprehensible, eager to check off the boxes on the Bible app so I can go on with my day, I now approach the Bible with the mindset of a treasure hunter. I’ve spent hours digging into the layers upon layers of truth and goodness in a single chapter, amazed at how rich it all is. (For an example of this, see my Word Nerd Wednesday post!) Other times, the Psalm of the day (today’s Psalm would be Psalm 26, for example) has spoken directly to my heart, leaving me with a single verse or even a single word to savor throughout the day.
This fascination with the Word of God didn’t come overnight for me, and it isn’t always the easiest thing to come by. But when my heart is in the right place, I can absorb the Word with the amazement of a child looking up at the stars, or of baby Moana stepping farther and farther out into the ocean, focused only on the shells that the (personified) ocean presents to her.
An adult might have looked out, wondering why the ocean was inexplicably moving this way, and fearing that it would crash down around them, putting them in danger. Their knowledge of the world and lack of trust in the unknown might have prompted them to stay away, feet firmly planted on the shore, instead of stepping out into the ocean to receive the treasures it offered them.
In the same way, when our focus is on the Word, the rest of the world becomes insignificant. Our fears are lessened, because we know who God is and what He’s like. We are free to step into the unknown, because we trust in God’s plan and His care for us. And we are able to accept the purpose that He has in mind for us, much as Moana would accept the Heart of Tephiti when the time was right.
I’m not just saying this either. I’ve experienced this change firsthand; there’s a measurable difference between a day when I’ve taken the time to pray and read the Word, in-depth or not, and one when I’ve chosen to snooze my alarm an extra time or three. And if I notice it, then my co-workers, classmates, and friends notice it too.
Hope this post has inspired you to go treasure-hunting in the Word today.
Happy fangirling!
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I love it, the searching for treasures in our life is so rare people think nowadays they achieve everything, they are the gods they do not appreciate miracles, everything’s scientifically explained. People very often don’t have time and mindset for God. Thank you for this article. I hope people will read it and start noticing God’s treasures prepared for us.
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[…] You can read the full post I wrote about this scene here (one of the first ones I ever wrote!) 🐚 […]
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