Since I usually do a playlist post on Saturdays, I figured Blogmas would be the perfect opportunity to fangirl over every genre’s interpretation of Christmas music. Starting with the absolute best… Owl City!! Because Adam Young is the most amazing human ever to create music on this earth, and Owl City is a genre unto itself. Thank you for attending my Ted Talk ^.^ and enjoy this post with every Owl City Christmas song I know!
“Peppermint Winter”
Peppermint Winter is the best way to start off the holidays. It combines Owl City’s characteristic piano and breathy vocals with a hint of Christmas sleigh bells (or maybe that’s just in my head XD). But the lyrics… the lyrics of this song are the kicker. “I twirl through the driveway with angelic grace, ’til I slip on the sidewalk and fall on my face!” This is a whole other side of Owl City that you may not have heard of before, and one that I greatly enjoy.
“Joy in Your Heart”
Double blessings, double the Owl City goodness! Adam Young made two versions of “Peppermint Winter.” This version doesn’t have the cheeky humor, but it’s just as beautiful on its own. I especially love the part where he says “I’m the snow” instead of “there’s the snow.” So adorable 💖
“Tip of the Iceburg”
Okay, so this one isn’t technically a Christmas song, but it does talk about cold and winter, and I just couldn’t not include a classic Owl City song on this list. Sorry not sorry 😜 but yes this is a beautiful song and you should listen to it as well. It will give you a taste of the OG Owl City style, before pop started to take over and force him to fit the molds of society 🙄😤😕🥺😾 Okay sorry I’m done now 😏🤣
“Kiss Me Babe, It’s Christmastime”
This song starts out a little more chill than the other Owl City Christmas songs I’ve given you so far, with a shakey-shakey (idk some kind of percussion lol) and acoustic guitar. The other instruments add in later on, and the lyrics describe the moment right before Adam Young leans in to kiss his lady love, as the title would suggest. I especially enjoy the combination of piano, xylophone, and a hint of brass that makes this song special.
Want more Owl City?? Here are some more OC fangirl posts!
- The Gospel According to Owl City: I Am.
- The Gospel According to Owl City: With You.
- The Gospel According to Owl City: Always.
- The Gospel According to Owl City: Take to the Sky
Another hilarious and lighthearted song. This one is about Christmas shopping for his lady love, and stressing about what she wants. There’s a more overt Christmas song touch combined with the Owl City pattern of a peppy beat and lots of electronic touches. And then it takes the most adorable turn at the end, which I won’t disclose so that you can experience it for yourself. I absolutely adore this song!
“Light of Christmas”
This is a hint of the “pop” side of Owl City, as he combines his peppy electronic style with TobyMac’s rap for a song you can’t help but bop along to. And then the bridge gets all quiet and breathy and ahhhhh… Just an excellent song 🙂
“The First Noel”
Another collab with TobyMac, but this time he takes the lead in terms of the musical style, with Owl City chiming in on backup vocals and one of the verses. Not my favorite on this list, but that’s like saying a 5 karat diamond is not my favorite when it’s surrounded by 25 karat diamonds XD
“The Christmas Song”
This is the Owl City Christmas song that very few people have heard of, but it is so. stinking. BEAUTIFUL and the whole world needs to know it exists!!! The real, old, original (c. 2008) style of Owl City, before he became famous and all the things, which is the best by far. And the lyrics describe him spending Christmas day with a stranger who doesn’t have any family around and them being platonic friends and *super fangirl mode activate* it’s just so ADORABLE!!! And the music is wonderful to, with electronic and xylophone and a hint of choir in the background. Please please I beg of you please listen to this one it is amaziiiiiiing!!! 🤩🤗😻😤🥰
Here’s a link to the first album Adam Young made as Owl City, all the way back in 2007 🙂
Fingers Crossed for a new Owl City Christmas Song!!
Adam Young/Owl City has a habit of disappearing from social media for months on end, then popping up out of nowhere and driving all the devoted fans crazy with teasers that may or may not mean a new song is coming out. And he has done this over the last weekend, with a wonderfully hilarious poem about motorcycles and high-fiving Santa that gives me hope that we may be getting a new Owl City song for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fingers crossed 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞 because that would make all of 2020 *almost* worth it. Or at least lessen the load a little. But yes please do go check out his Instagram if you’ve enjoyed these songs, he is just as adorable in social media life as he is in his music 😊
Hope you’ve enjoyed this post, and gained a little more understanding of Owl City’s music. If you did, please do me a solid and share with all your peeps, and tell me your favorite Owl City song if you should so desire! And if you’re participating in Blogmas, leave me a link to your site and I’ll come visit you!!!
Merry Christmas! And happy fangirling!!!!!

[…] 5 Dec – Owl City’s Finest Christmas Songs […]