crumpled purple satin fabric

Bible Journal the Rainbow with Me – Purple

Happy Friday, my friends, and welcome to the final installment of the Bible Journal the Rainbow with me series! Inspired by the Illustrated Faith collection by the same name, this series has also given me the opportunity to revisit a project/study I created back in February. Hope you enjoy!

man surfing on blue sea water

PJO – Percy is claimed by Poseidon

Happy Fandom Friday, friends, and welcome to another Gospel According to post, where we connect all the stories and songs we love with the Biblical truth we live by. In celebration of the release of Chalice of the Gods on September 28th, this week we’re revisiting one of the most pivotal moments of the Percy …

blue sky

Bible Journal the Rainbow with Me – Blue

Happy Friday, my friends, and welcome to another Bible journal the rainbow with me post! This second-to-last installment is inspired by a collection of Bible journaling printables from Illustrated Faith. It’s also a way to revisit a project/study of my own invention from back in February. Hope you enjoy!

two bare trees beside each other during sunset

Harry Potter – “After all this time?” “Always.”

Happy Monday, friends, and welcome to another Gospel According to post, where we look at the deeper meanings behind our favorite stories and songs and how they can point us to the Word. This week, I want to explore one of my all-time favorite quotes from the Harry Potter universe, which just happens to contain …

green leafed plant

Bible Journal the Rainbow with me – Green

Happy Friday, friends, and welcome to another Bible Journal the Rainbow with me post! This week’s color, and all the others in this series, were originally inspired by a collection from Illustrated Faith. It’s also a way to revisit a study/series of my own creation from several months ago. Hope you enjoy!

purple and blue abstract painting

Luna Lovegood – “Don’t worry, you’re just as sane as I am.”

Happy Monday, friends, and welcome to another Gospel According to post! Luna Lovegood is one of my favorite characters from the Harry Potter universe, and I think about her iconic line, “You’re as sane as I am,” quite often. In fact, I think it can be a great way of explaining how it feels to …

close up photo of paint color

Bible Journal the Rainbow with me – Yellow

Happy Friday, friends, and welcome to another episode of the Bible Journal the Rainbow series! This series is originally inspired by the printable collection from Illustrated Faith. It’s also a way to revisit a study/project of my own making from back in February. Hope you enjoy!

Bible journaling Zodiac signs – Virgo

Happy Saturday, friends, and welcome to a new series/study topic! I was recently introduced to the idea that stars, constellations, and the Zodiac calendar may be yet another say to share and tell the Gospel story. It’s a super cool idea, and I’d love to explore it with you today! Hope you enjoy!

Re-Write Your Notes! My #1 tip to retain what you learn and apply it IRL

Hi, friends and fellow Bible nerds! I don’t know about you, but this time of year gives me the urge to buy all the cute stationery and notebooks and just take all the notes. Even though I’m not a student right now, the love of learning is something that will never go away for me. …

foamy indigo colored water in washing machine

Indigo Isle – I will bring home My lost ones…

Happy Monday, friends, and welcome to another episode of The Gospel According To, where we find the hidden Biblical truths in secular stories and songs. I listened to the audiobook version of Indigo Isle by T. I. Lowe a few weeks ago, and it was such a heartwarming read. Pleasantly surprised by the sudden appearance …

selective focus photography of orange petaled flowers

Bible Journal the Rainbow – Orange

Happy Friday, friends, and welcome to another installment of the Bible journal the rainbow series! This series was originally inspired by a printable collection from Illustrated Faith called “Journal the Rainbow.” It also reminds me of a project I did here at The Fangirl Fulfilled a few months ago. Hope you enjoy!

opened book in hands of person against floral background on sunny day

Bible journal with me – Women’s Equality Day 2023

Happy Women’s Equality Day, friends, and welcome to a special Bible journal with me post! I was actually researching a different topic that’s been on my heart for a while, and ended up re-reading a blog post that I wrote a couple years ago. Turns out the Lord had some good things to say back …

purple bokeh

Bible Journal the Rainbow – Pink and Red

Happy, Friday, my friends, and welcome to a new Bible journaling series! I was inspired by an Illustrated Faith printable set to study each color of the rainbow and what it symbolizes in the Bible. This also reminds me of a project/study of my own making from a few months ago. Hope you enjoy!

woman in purple sweater holding a toy heart

Word Nerd Wednesday – He has entrusted to us the ministry of reconciliation

Happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to another Word Nerd post! I’ve spent this summer working through several Bible journaling kits, including the “Currency of Grace” kit from BytheWell4God. It’s been so good! One of the things that stuck out to me this week is the phrase “ministry of reconciliation” from 2 Corinthians 5, and I …

Bible journal with me – Highs and Lows

Happy Friday, my friends, and welcome to another Bible journal with me post! This week, I’m journaling through a mini devotional and printable journaling kit from Illustrated Faith. Hope you enjoy!

people heads in pink and orange

Bible journal with me – How to cover hidden journaling, plus Pipsticks butterflies

Happy Friday, mes amis, and welcome to another Bible journal with me post! This week, I’m showing you how to cover journaling that you don’t necessarily want the general public to have access to. I also really enjoyed using some beautiful butterflies from a Pipsticks sticker pack. Hope you enjoy this process!

french flag over buildings roofs in paris

Bible journal with me – Bastille Day and the Grace of Les Misérables

Happy Bastille Day, friends, and welcome to another Bible journal with me post! I’ve been reading and enjoying a devotional book called The Grace of Les Miserables. It explores how each of the characters in this iconic French novel/play/musical-movie learn to give and receive grace. And you can probably guess why I love it so …

concentric circles of colours

Word Nerd Wednesday – Seek First Matthew 6:33

Happy Wednesday, my friends, and welcome to another Word Nerd post! My mind was absolutely blown by this on. It’s so good! Will likely make you think about a famous Bible passage in a completely new way. Hope you enjoy!

flag of u s displaying on pole

Word Nerd Wednesday – Liberty and justice for all

Happy Wednesday and happy Fourth of July to you, my friends! I was looking into “Bible verses for fourth of July” and topics like freedom, justice, and inclusion. I believe that the Lord put the phrase “Liberty and justice for all” from the American pledge of allegiance on my heart. I’m so excited to share …

person standing inside cave

Word Nerd Wednesday – Elijah and the Still Small Voice

happy Wednesday, friends, and welcome to another Word Nerd post! This is the day where I like to fangirl over specific passages of Scripture that I’ve studied and that have spoken to me recently. I love the fandoms, but the word should always be first. This week I’ve been studying the book of 1 Kings, …